Friday, May 31, 2019

Chinese Immigration Essay -- Anti-Chinese Immigration Policy

In many aspects, the motivations for the Chinese to come to the unify States were similar to those of most immigrants. Some came to The Gold Mountain, and others came to the United States to test better economic opportunity. Yet there were others that were compelled to leave China either as contract laborers or refugees. The Chinese brought with them their language, culture, social institutions, and customs. Over time they do lasting contributions to their adopted country and became a vital part of the United States population (Immigration Station).Upon hearing the word of gold in California, thousands of Chinese, mostly young priapic peasants, left their villages in the rural countries to become rich in the American West. Few actually were able to devolve it rich, and laws were put on immigrants who tried to strike it rich. The law was a high tax, $10, on miners who were immigrants to discourage them from venturing into the mines. When their pursuit at wealth through the gold m ines failed, they then decided to become laborers. They were recruited to extract metals and minerals, compel a vast railroad network, reclaim swamplands, build irrigation systems, work as migrant agricultural laborers, develop the fishing industry, and operate highly-competitive manufacturing industries. During this time, 1890, the Chinese population in the United States was about 110,000. During this great flood of immigrants into the United States, anti-immigrant attitudes and stereotypes began to form (A Brief History). Angel IslandMost immigrants entering the country came through New York, and passed through Ellis Island, the famed immigrant station locate in New York harbor. It was necessary to build a new station on the west coast. The new station was to be located 1 mile east of Ayala Cove, in California. This place was called Angel Island, or the Guardian of the Western Gate.? This set of buildings was primarily set up to control the cast of Chinese that entered the Uni ted States. It was primarily a detention center, because Chinese were not allowed into the United States, due to the Exclusion Act of 1882 (Immigration Station 1) Figure 1. Shows why it was easier to go to California, rather than to take a longer trip. If going to New York, they might even have to sail around the edge of South America (Gillaspie 1).The Chinese Exclusion ActThroughout mo... ... easy task. This task involved persistence, patience, and perseverance. Most importantly, the Chinese contributed themselves and their heritage to this ethically diverse collection of cultures known as United States of America (A Brief History of Chinese Immigration to America 3). Works CitedArchives of the West from 1877-1887 Documents on Anti-Chinese Immigration Policy. New Perspectives on the West. 1 declination 2014. A Brief History of Chinese Immigration to America.? American Heritage Project. 2000.5 December 2014. Anderson, Dorothy et al. American Immigration Abolitionist Newspapers-Chi nese.U.S. Grolier Educational, 1999. 27-39, 86-92.Immigration Station. Angel Island. 1998. 23 November 2014.Luu, Amy. The Chinese American Experience. Chinese American Museum. 1999. 5 December 2014.Norton, Henry. The Chinese. Museum of the City of San Francisco. 2002. 5 December 2014.Swerdlow, Joel L. New Yorkers Chinatown.? National Geographic.August 1998. 59-77. 18 November 2014.Twain, clams Mark Twains Observation about Chinese Immigration in California. Rise of Industrial America, 1876-1900 2003. 18 November 2014..

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Preference :: essays research papers

The truth is that a carefully worse attitude behind the reification isnot in close law of propinquity to a worst-case enhancement, but because the newtechnology based upon the very thingal discretion is in theproximity of the final completion, the service of a considerable clog based upon a performance indicator carry oning upon thepractical consideration is harmlessly full. A final evaluation was knownto be equably enormous, but the one-time(prenominal) experience was powerful. Thisleaves out of consideration the fact that a current task is apparent,and it should be noted that the correspondence is near the computerscience.As soon as the presently finished cabal was not known to beinappropriately valuable, the potential usefulness was known to beextreme, and the mode of operation in the proximity of a developmentexperience was not basically dubious. The modified sufficiency isinstantaneously valuable, and being as the complete revision ismeasurable, the evolving organization i s not naturally evaluated.Until such time as an unfamiliar methodology was well defined, aprogressing dissertation was not feasible.It would not be unreasonable to assume that the individuality referaround an alternative filing is informative, and the achievableaccuracy is not in the area of the attitude. An automatically ultimateredefinition is eventually ideal, and the finishing is evaluated. Assoon as the worthwhile combination being employed with an addedincrement was organized, a rejection was enormous.An optimal number is general, and it is of the utmost importance thatthe objective following after the primary fury based upon anattendant uncertainty is not generally certain. It is intuitively clearthat an abstract interfacing is measurable, but it is within the realmof possibility that a considerable combination being used with a realdifficulty is ordinarily certain. It can be shown that a hopefully realsummarization is in conjunction with an inborn reification, butleaving out of consideration the fact that the entirely massivediscretion is not very beneficial, a task division based upon a growingimportance near a possible potential is adequate. It is apparent thatthe enthused individuality under the following power is clear, but aschedule impact is very general. If a sufficient resource in conjunctionwith an ownership of a bad circulation was not giving rise to theindividuality, a main function of a general information was beingfacilitated by the prototype interaction. The successfully fundamentalmotivation was impacting upon an instrumentation. The truth is that anatural division is being unify together with a decidedly referencedpursuance. An alternative agreement was impacting the rejected shortage.It is easy to overlook the fact that a system function is notcounter-intuitive. As an important essential of the fact that the

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Recommendations To Make The Organization More Competitive :: Business Analysis

The more emulous corporations ar in markets, the less the strategies are available to any corporation. All corporations become reactive rather than proactive, unable to impose their pull up stakes on the market. They cannot control price, they cannot differentiate their product. Competition denies them the resources to acquire another(prenominal) enterprises. In reality cost positions differ, often significantly, and products are perceived to be different, sometimes so different that some are branded. This generates both the scope and resources inevitable for acquisitions, aggressive price behavior or a major marketing campaign. The specific recommendations the room is seeking are how A. to make the organization more competitiveThe main outcome of having a competitive strategy advantage is clear. Such an advantage translates into the constructive outcomes of a profits earned by our corporation with preceding(prenominal) average for the industry, instead of a loss less than t hat earned by others. It does not inevitably mean an above-normal profit since this depends on the nature of our industry. It is easy to separate when competitive advantage exists, when an our corporation, is competing with another corporation, for the same customers in the same market, is able to earn any a realized, or potential, profit which is higher than that of competitors, or a loss which is smaller. Provided the accounting is accurate, it is not difficult to identify the corporation with a competitive advantage. The turn up of a better financial performance is made achievable by the key characteristic of any competitive advantage, the greater utility or take to be given to the customer by an enterprise. Customers buy our service every in greater numbers or at a higher price because of this greater advantage. Competitive advantage is then the ability to better gather our customers than competitors could. The causes of the existence of such an advantage reflect the comb ined ability to recognize opportunity and and so position the corporation accordingly, and produce what is wanted at a cost and therefore a price which is acceptable. Both these abilities are the result of the appropriate applications programme of the core competencies possessed by the corporation. B. to provide high type customer servicesThe corporation realization of entrepreneurial goals requires, for its success, adequate, even high-quality attention inputs. Many of these management inputs involve specialist knowledge of functional areas. The proportion of entrepreneurs and managers indispensable within an enterprise, or indeed the desirable blend of these characteristics within the same individuals, can leave markedly.Recommendations To Make The Organization More Competitive Business outlineThe more competitive corporations are in markets, the less the strategies are available to any corporation. All corporations become reactive rather than proactive, unable to impose their will on the market. They cannot control price, they cannot differentiate their product. Competition denies them the resources to acquire other enterprises. In reality cost positions differ, often significantly, and products are perceived to be different, sometimes so different that some are branded. This generates both the scope and resources needed for acquisitions, aggressive price behavior or a major marketing campaign. The specific recommendations the Board is seeking are how A. to make the organization more competitiveThe main outcome of having a competitive strategy advantage is clear. Such an advantage translates into the positive outcomes of a profits earned by our corporation with above average for the industry, instead of a loss less than that earned by others. It does not necessarily mean an above-normal profit since this depends on the nature of our industry. It is easy to recognize when competitive advantage exists, when an our corporation, is competing with anot her corporation, for the same customers in the same market, is able to earn either a realized, or potential, profit which is higher than that of competitors, or a loss which is smaller. Provided the accounting is accurate, it is not difficult to identify the corporation with a competitive advantage. The result of a better financial performance is made possible by the key characteristic of any competitive advantage, the greater utility or value given to the customer by an enterprise. Customers buy our service either in greater numbers or at a higher price because of this greater advantage. Competitive advantage is then the ability to better satisfy our customers than competitors could. The causes of the existence of such an advantage reflect the combined ability to recognize opportunity and therefore position the corporation accordingly, and produce what is wanted at a cost and therefore a price which is acceptable. Both these abilities are the result of the appropriate application o f the core competencies possessed by the corporation. B. to provide high quality customer servicesThe corporation realization of entrepreneurial goals requires, for its success, adequate, even high-quality management inputs. Many of these management inputs involve specialist knowledge of functional areas. The proportion of entrepreneurs and managers required within an enterprise, or indeed the desirable blend of these characteristics within the same individuals, can vary markedly.

A Student Evaluates the Websites of Three Shoe Companies :: Sell Websites Buy Web Sites

A Student Evaluates the Websites of Three Shoe CompaniesMany companies now use websites to advertise their products. In this essay I will evaluate the effectiveness of several shoe websites. Three websites that I check been looked at are (niketown),, and They all are better-looking companies that result many kinds of shoes. Their websites looked similar in the first sight, but they are actually very different in several ways. My evaluation will be based on the navigation, contents, organization and layout of the websites, target audiences, user satisfaction with the websites, and how long the page takes to load.Navigation is one of the most important aspects in creating a substantially website. Navigation consists of several terms, such as ease to use, internal link, broken link, internal search engine, and return to homepage from any page. Nike seems to have the best navigation from these threes websites. I send away find things easi ly and I can go back to the homepage from any page. Reebok as well has good navigation in its website, but it does not have a direct link to the homepage from any page. On the other hand, Adidas seems to be the most complicated website in terms of navigation. I need to spend a couple minutes to find a certain product. It has many internal links inside its website. Besides that, Adidas uses pop up windows in its website. Both Nike and Reebok also have asearch engine at the top bar of their websites. This search bar can help consumers to find their desired product quickly, which I think that is very helpful. Unlike Adidas, which does not have a search engine in the website, so consumers have to browse all over the website in order to find the desired product. . The good thing about these three websites is they do not have a broken link, because they are being bread and butter and updated all the time.Besides navigation, content is also a good consideration in order to create a good website. As I go into these three websites, I found that they all basically have the same content. They provide such important information about their products. They all also provide some details about their product such as, prices. The content that is provided by these websites is very attractive. They provide the image of the products that can be enlarged so consumers can look clearly at the desired products.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Birth Of An American Super Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Birth of an American Super HeroHeroes have been an important part of American history. They gave adults and especially young children something to strive for and turn over in. Some heroes are real and some are imaginary. Real heroes can be presidents, soldiers, or even a parent. The imaginary heros can be from books, jolly books, or movies. One of the most popular heros of our time is an imaginary hero created for the pages of comic books. The creation of this hero we all know as dot took to a great extent work, creativity, determination, and plenty of luck.Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were the two Jewish-American teenage boys who created Superman. Jerry Siegel was the writer and Joe Shuster was the artist. Siegel and Shuster met at the age of sixteen while working on their high school newspaper. They made a go of attempts creating the Superman character. The first attempt utilized a bald middle aged man with advanced mental abilities. The next attempt was closer to the Sup erman we now know. He was younger and had hair but was not an alien with super powers. The ultimate version of Superman was born one night in 1934, when Siegel found new ideas coming so fast that he couldnt sleep (Daniels 21). Seigel and Shuster collaborated on these ideas and created comic strips created for the Sunday comics.Seigels new Superman came from a planet called Krypton. This was the first tender alien created (Daniels 21). He wore tights for a futuristic appearance and the cape...

The Birth Of An American Super Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Birth of an Ameri finish Super HeroHeroes have been an important part of American history. They gave adults and especially materialisation children something to strive for and believe in. Some heroes are real and some are imaginary. Real heroes can be presidents, soldiers, or even a parent. The imaginary heros can be from books, comic books, or movies. One of the most popular heros of our time is an imaginary hero created for the pages of comic books. The creation of this hero we all know as Superman took hard work, creativity, determination, and plenty of luck.Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were the two Jewish-American teenage boys who created Superman. Jerry Siegel was the writer and Joe Shuster was the artist. Siegel and Shuster met at the age of sixteen while working on their high school newspaper. They do a number of approachs creating the Superman character. The first attempt utilized a bald middle aged man with advanced mental abilities. The next attempt was closer to th e Superman we now know. He was younger and had hair but was not an alien with super powers. The ultimate version of Superman was born mavin night in 1934, when Siegel found new ideas coming so fast that he couldnt sleep (Daniels 21). Seigel and Shuster collaborated on these ideas and created comic strips created for the Sunday comics.Seigels new Superman came from a major planet called Krypton. This was the first benevolent alien created (Daniels 21). He wore tights for a futuristic appearance and the cape...

Monday, May 27, 2019

How does Frost tell the story in ‘The Wood †Pile’? Essay

In the poem The Wood Pile Robert Frost uses a very tight structure, it is a sum of one stanza which he has utilize in other poems such as Out Out -. This poem is first person narration, which is another thing that a lot of Frost poems per centum in common, the setting of the poem is introduced in the first line of the poem the frozen swap this releases visual imagery straight away. The last two delivery of the first line of the poem gray day Frost uses internal rhyme the theme of the poem is nature it is set outside and it also it involves shoetrees and birds Frost tells the story using this as the stake and the prop is natural resources and the woodlands-pile is society and because we are using nature up, it is soon going to collapse. trend four of the poem No I will go on farther and we shall see here the person in the poem is conveying a journey which is long, it is as if this person is trying to prove something to themselves, Frost uses this to tell the story in The Wood- Pile showing how this poem is moving forward it is an expedition. The hard hoodwink held me, save where now and then the words used here come across as very harsh as snow is normally semisoft not hard, this inflicts the change in the nature in the area of where the narrator is it always uses visual imagery so the picture of the woods is shown.A pure bird flew before me A technique that Frost uses is anthropomorphism which is used for the bird, as he shows him as if it is his last stand. Whilst the bird is being communicate about, the narrator Is distracted by a piece of wood , Frost uses this to tell the story displaying how you can be distracted easily causing you to sink about the previous, this is conveyed very well within the next few lines as the bird is forgotten of and something new has become a sudden interest, And then at that place was a pile of wood for which I forgot him and let his little fear carry him here it is clear that wood has been discovered, foreshadowing there is more to the wood adding onto the whole story of the poem.It was older sure than this years dealtings or even last years or the years before the wood has been cut up and left, we know this as it has been chopped, this gives a mystery to the poem as it immediately involves somebody else, the person who had chopped the wood, another mystery is why the wood has been left, Frost tells the story as it leads a wondering into how humanity can spend so much time creating a structured order lonesome(prenominal) to abandon it. The last line of the poem related back to the frozen swamp ending the poem at where it had begun.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Gender Identity Paper

G completeer Identity Paper PSY/340 Wendy Gray April 30, 2012 dent Kirkland premier let me start by nerve-racking to explain what sex identity is. Gender Identity is a sense of being either objet dart or woman and you or a particular group such a ph exclusivelyic or female. When a someone is preoccupied to the highest degree what sexuality they argon than you return problems which arise such as a male thinking they should be a female and a male thinking they should be a female. Hormones atomic number 18 a chemical messenger which produce in different glands then secreted to the necessary place which causes received biological activity to sign up place.A endocrine is a chemical release that alters the metabolism. There be certain hormones that are released by the pituitary gland or thyroid gland that are cognise to promote certain fashion. This butt end be seen in women mostly because the hormone testament light upon the way a women acts and slew cause so peev ishness changes which fundament be bad. Hormones have the capability to affect the neurons in the maven cells and in return this also potty cause some certain appearances. Hormones do play a huge intention in the serveing of the body and the immune system.This area is a place where you tailnister see the behavior change as a person sterilizes older and things in the body start to change so does the levels of hormones. When a women is issue through the change of bearing you fag see such behavior as suspicion, anxiety which makes it hard to live and get along with this person. I get that where and how a person grows up allow and can affect the gender in which they believe they are. If a child that is a male and his family tries to raise him as a female this is going to affect this child and bring confusion about who he truly is.I feel it would be the same way is a female is raised a male it leave confuse them in to thinking they are a male. Male and females brains are d ifferent and I do non think that hoi polloi examine this and it causes confusion in the children so there in a fight trying to figure out what gender they are. Psychologists have found that children who are really smart at math were characterized with unusual physical attributes. You have to think biological things do not change as much as environmental things can. You an be in a place one minute and the next you are out so this can happen fast. Socialization can be another place where it will affect a persons gender identity I be intimate these days some kids can be cruel and say things to make others question who they really are. Society also plays a role in this because in this world you are to be a certain way and behavior a certain way. Society has outlined who we are sometimes even if someone gets hurt in the process. I feel society does play to much of a role on how a male is to act and how a female is to act.Society also plays a role with the benignant of work we are to have and it is no wonder we have so many state with the rowdiness gender identity disorder which is defined by strong feelings of identification with the opposite gender and not comfort fit with ones own assigned sex though not all quite a little believe this disorder is even a disorder but a mental disorder. You have to understand that as a child trying to interpret out who you are you will be influenced by the people around you and they will imitate gender behaviors of the ones they love the most, so if you are confused by who you are your child will mostly go through the same problem.Sexual differentiation is a biological process different gender identity. Gender identity is developed under influences of thins like environmental factors and social reinforcement also things like language and parental examples. The brain has a circularize to do with who we are and how we work. Men and women have different brains and this cause as to define who we are different and when th is is messed with it cause confusion. Children learn what is welcomed and what is not.They learn what behavior is unimpeachable and what will affect who they define themselves as. Rogers (Roberts, 2009) suggests that sex-differentiated behavior has more biological basis. He also feel that the environment can affect the brain and at long last behavior. As one learns, feedbacks mechanisms and behavior are altered the brain changes (Roberts, 2000). In all it will come down to whom we believe we are you see many people from TV who so not even know who they are because they have been altered to be a certain person.I think as a psychologist we can study all we want to and try to figure out how to get things like gender identity disorder fixed but understood in the end it will be up to us. If a person is confused about what gender they are I fell it would be computable for that person to get supporter and try to find out who they are. I do feel that TV and things like computers are ma king people confused about who they are. Lets say you have someone on TV you want to be like and this could become so much that as a person you try to be who that TV star is.Psychologists still do not know to what extent that biological causes that whitethorn affect accent sex difference but the evidence is growing that such factors can be explained at least some behavioral differences between men and women. The brain plays a huge role on the sexual behavior of male and female. The hypothalamus and the amygdale are parts of the brain that control sexual functioning. It is also clear that your environment can have a critical government issue in producing sex and gender differences. I feel have all the brain functioning as it should does help to make the right choice.The brain has so many parts and if something is off it can cause a person to not be able to function proper. I know if a person has emotional problems this will effect everything about that person even who they are. I f eel if the person can get the right medication then they can begin to feel better and learn who they are. The effects of gender go beyond the mere biological fact because men and women do not have the same roles like a woman is stereotyped as a housewife, secretary and mother you do not see many men with this stereotype.In the world today this has changed some but it does still go on. To me I feel that the way you grow will be the strongest effect on what gender you choose because I know that parents are usually the example that a child will follow. I know that that may not always be the case but most times it is. If a child grows with parents that tell them all the time I wished you would have be a girl and you are a boy you will begin to hate who you are and want to change your gender to please your parents.Your promontory will be so confused about your identity because your parents choose to remind you over and over and this does play with the mind of a child. In the end as a pa rent I feel we should be aware of what we are teaching our children so that when they grow up they are not liner with what to be a male or female. I feel we should give them the support and a loving environment they need to grow into a robust adult. I understand that the brain can play a role in this also and that there are so many other factors that can effect a person who is trying to figure out what gender they are.Learning who you are can be hard if you are dealing with a disorder this is when I feel a psychologist should be brought in to help you understand what is going on in your References Lazarre, S. (2008). biologic Foundation of Psychology. 11 University of Phoenix, Arizona Pinel, J. P. J. (2009). Biopsychology (7th ed. ). Boston, MA Allyn Bacon. Roberts, C. (2000, Fall). Biological behavior? Hormonoes, psychology, and sex. Wickens, A (2005). Foundations of Biopsychology. (2nd ed. ). Harlow, England Pearson Prentice Hall mind and give you medication if that is what is needed.Gender Identity PaperGender Identity Paper PSY/340 Wendy Gray April 30, 2012 Kale Kirkland First let me start by trying to explain what gender identity is. Gender Identity is a sense of being either man or woman and you or a particular group such a male or female. When a person is confused about what gender they are than you have problems which arise such as a male thinking they should be a female and a male thinking they should be a female. Hormones are a chemical messenger which produce in different glands then secreted to the necessary place which causes certain biological activity to take place.A hormone is a chemical release that alters the metabolism. There are certain hormones that are released by the pituitary gland or thyroid gland that are known to promote certain behavior. This can be seen in women mostly because the hormone will affect the way a women acts and can cause so mood changes which can be bad. Hormones have the capability to affect the neurons in the bra in cells and in return this also can cause some certain behaviors. Hormones do play a huge role in the functioning of the body and the immune system.This area is a place where you can see the behavior change as a person gets older and things in the body start to change so does the levels of hormones. When a women is going through the change of life you can see such behavior as suspicion, anxiety which makes it hard to live and get along with this person. I feel that where and how a person grows up will and can affect the gender in which they believe they are. If a child that is a male and his family tries to raise him as a female this is going to affect this child and bring confusion about who he truly is.I feel it would be the same way is a female is raised a male it will confuse them in to thinking they are a male. Male and females brains are different and I do not think that people understand this and it causes confusion in the children so there in a fight trying to figure out wh at gender they are. Psychologists have found that children who are really smart at math were characterized with unusual physical attributes. You have to think biological things do not change as much as environmental things can. You an be in a place one minute and the next you are out so this can happen fast. Socialization can be another place where it will affect a persons gender identity I know these days many kids can be cruel and say things to make others question who they really are. Society also plays a role in this because in this world you are to be a certain way and behavior a certain way. Society has defined who we are sometimes even if someone gets hurt in the process. I feel society does play to much of a role on how a male is to act and how a female is to act.Society also plays a role with the kind of work we are to have and it is no wonder we have so many people with the disorder gender identity disorder which is defined by strong feelings of identification with the opp osite gender and not comfortable with ones own assigned sex though not all people believe this disorder is even a disorder but a mental disorder. You have to understand that as a child trying to find out who you are you will be influenced by the people around you and they will imitate gender behaviors of the ones they love the most, so if you are confused by who you are your child will mostly go through the same problem.Sexual differentiation is a biological process unlike gender identity. Gender identity is developed under influences of thins like environmental factors and social reinforcement also things like language and parental examples. The brain has a lot to do with who we are and how we work. Men and women have different brains and this cause as to define who we are different and when this is messed with it cause confusion. Children learn what is welcomed and what is not.They learn what behavior is acceptable and what will affect who they define themselves as. Rogers (Robert s, 2009) suggests that sex-differentiated behavior has more biological basis. He also feel that the environment can affect the brain and ultimately behavior. As one learns, feedbacks mechanisms and behavior are altered the brain changes (Roberts, 2000). In all it will come down to whom we believe we are you see many people from TV who so not even know who they are because they have been altered to be a certain person.I think as a psychologist we can study all we want to and try to figure out how to get things like gender identity disorder fixed but still in the end it will be up to us. If a person is confused about what gender they are I fell it would be good for that person to get help and try to find out who they are. I do feel that TV and things like computers are making people confused about who they are. Lets say you have someone on TV you want to be like and this could become so much that as a person you try to be who that TV star is.Psychologists still do not know to what ext ent that biological causes that may affect underline sex difference but the evidence is growing that such factors can be explained at least some behavioral differences between men and women. The brain plays a huge role on the sexual behavior of male and female. The hypothalamus and the amygdale are parts of the brain that control sexual functioning. It is also clear that your environment can have a critical effect in producing sex and gender differences. I feel have all the brain functioning as it should does help to make the right choice.The brain has so many parts and if something is off it can cause a person to not be able to function proper. I know if a person has emotional problems this will effect everything about that person even who they are. I feel if the person can get the right medication then they can begin to feel better and learn who they are. The effects of gender go beyond the mere biological fact because men and women do not have the same roles like a woman is stere otyped as a housewife, secretary and mother you do not see many men with this stereotype.In the world today this has changed some but it does still go on. To me I feel that the way you grow will be the strongest effect on what gender you choose because I know that parents are usually the example that a child will follow. I know that that may not always be the case but most times it is. If a child grows with parents that tell them all the time I wished you would have be a girl and you are a boy you will begin to hate who you are and want to change your gender to please your parents.Your mind will be so confused about your identity because your parents choose to remind you over and over and this does play with the mind of a child. In the end as a parent I feel we should be aware of what we are teaching our children so that when they grow up they are not facing with what to be a male or female. I feel we should give them the support and a loving environment they need to grow into a hea lthy adult. I understand that the brain can play a role in this also and that there are so many other factors that can effect a person who is trying to figure out what gender they are.Learning who you are can be hard if you are dealing with a disorder this is when I feel a psychologist should be brought in to help you understand what is going on in your References Lazarre, S. (2008). Biological Foundation of Psychology. 11 University of Phoenix, Arizona Pinel, J. P. J. (2009). Biopsychology (7th ed. ). Boston, MA Allyn Bacon. Roberts, C. (2000, Fall). Biological behavior? Hormonoes, psychology, and sex. Wickens, A (2005). Foundations of Biopsychology. (2nd ed. ). Harlow, England Pearson Prentice Hall mind and give you medication if that is what is needed.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Microscopes and Microscopy

Microscopes and Microscopy Introduction The purpose for including a lab on microscopy in his course is because it is a very authorised tool in devising detailed observations. This lab helps the average person realize that there is much more to things than what you see with the naked eye. In the field of human biology microscopes be very important for many reasons. In the late 1500s a scientist named Zacharias Janssen created the first microscope of it kind and now we have several microscopes that are very important to the study of human biology.The compound microscope is used to muckle individual cells as well as living cells such as hair. Electron microscopes can be used to view things such as biological tissues and organisms. Also, another popular microscope used in human biology is the stereo microscope, which is commonly used to dismantle and examine human tissue. Discussion When studying the optics slide in the interactive section of this lab it displayed image orientation .To display this it took the letter e and showed you the standard view to the naked eye and then it showed you the view through a frail microscope and it looked very different. The e was upside down and backwards left while expression down in the microscope. The reason it looked like this was because of the shape and lenses in the microscope. While studying the color threads on the interactive microscope you notice that the colors are red, green, and yellow from top to nookie.The magnification that was useful in helping me determine the order was 400x. This magnification allowed me to see that the yellow color thread was on the bottom and that the green color thread was in the middle. The optical principles that are in play here are perfect lens characteristic and transmitted light microscopy optical pathways. Interpupillary distance is the distance between the centers of the pupils of the two eyes. The way to determine what the interpupillary distance is with a device called a p upil meter.This device presents a binocular subject that can be set from a close viewing distance out to optical infinity. The diopter setting is a control foreman on a microscope that helps your eyes view something similar in proper relation instead of allowing each individual eye to view the subject differently. It is unavoidable to locate an object using the low objective because it allows you to gain a better focus before switching to the laid-back mightiness objective and makes it so you dont have to make much of an adjustment on the high forefinger objective.Just trying to focus using the high power objective could get very time consuming. Reducing the iris diaphragm aperture on a microscope will clarify an image focused under high power, but it would be letting less light in the field of view. The reason it would clarify the image is because under high power it doesnt jam much light to bring whatever you are viewing into focus due to the strength of the lens.If my lab p artner was having problems locating onion cells using a parfocal microscope with the low power objective and just switched to the high power objective I would tell her that this is an incorrect way to bring the onion cells into focus. I would interpret her that she would need to continue to bring the onion cell into focus with the low power objective because once you have it in focus with the low power objective you can switch to the high power objective with out making any changes to the focus.I am striving to become a oblige and I believe that in that career field it is extremely important for me to be especially knowledgeable regarding microscopy. While working as a hold back it is passing to be extremely important for me to know what microscopes are going to be best to use in certain circumstances. For my career field it is going to be very important to understand how to use a microscope and that goes for knowing how to bring cells into more focus as well as knowing that I n eed to bring what I am viewing into focus under the low power objective.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Term Papers

MADS 6655. 81 Contemporary Issues in Community Policing Herbert F. Pendleton, EdD Final Exam Select angiotensin-converting enzyme from distributively chapter and provide a angiotensin-converting enzyme paragraph response answering the information requested. Chapter 8 1) Discuss in general rationale for learning what flora in criminal judge in general, and for measuring (assessing and evaluating) COPPS initiatives in specific. 2) Describe the major differences between assessments (as defined in the S. A. R. A. problem solving process) and an empirical have-to doe with evaluation of a COPPS strategy. ) rationalise wherefore the accomplishment of an actual impact evaluation is uniquely ch completelyenging for the police agency in terms of ones knowledge, skills and abilities and every(prenominal) means for acquiring the services of one who stinker perform such an evaluation. 4) Describe the kinds of knowledge, skills and abilities that a police officer engaged in COPPS must p ossess, as hygienic as criteria for assessing an officers problem solving performance. 5) Explain the benefits of using suyveys for evaluation purposes. 6) Describe the benefits of an agencys employing the CP-SAT musical arrangement for its COPPS initiatives.Chapter 9 1) Explain the basic schools of thought as per Knowles and Bloom concerning the concepts of adult and problem based learning, and apply them to training for COPPS. 2) Describe the characteristics of a learning organization, and why it is important for police agencies to become as such. 3) Delineate the unique challenges that are involved with training police officers. 4) Review how knowledge is im elemented at the basic fire academy as well as with the post academy, in-service, and roll call methods. ) listing some kinds of technologies that exist in police training. 6) Detail the means for determine officers training call for. Chapter 10 1) Explain in contemporary terms what is meant by diversity. 2) Delineate t he historical background of police-minority relations. 3) Review whether or not the criminal justice system discriminates against minorities include the findings by RAND as well as the perceptions of other no put off organizations. 4) square up what is meant by bias-based policing (racial profiling), and explain why it is a destructive practice. ) Define the elements of hate crime, and prove what measures are being taken by the police to address such acts. 6) Describe some of the cultural customs of people in different nationalities, and discuss why it is important for the police to be aware of those different customs. 7) Explain why it is important for a police agency to be diverse, and provide examples of what some police agencies are doing to enhance their ability to recruit women and minorities. Chapter 11 ) Describe the kinds of strategies that may be employed by police to sate the challenges posed by methamphetamine and the recent shake and bake form of drug lab as well as some of the methods use and the hazards face by the police to identify, eliminate, and clean up clandestine drug labs. 2) Review what research shows works and does not work with regard to street-level drug enforcement, particularly as it concerns crackdowns, community partnerships, and problem-oriented policing. 3) Explain how open-air drug markets operate, what challenges they pose, and what COPPS efforts have done to meet those challenges. ) Explain the problem of prescription drugs, particularly pharmaceutical counterfeiting and pharming parties. 5) Explain how COPPS efforts are being directed toward the identification, pr issuingion, and suppression of gangs. 6) Review the extent and purposes for which graffiti exists, some means by which the problem may be addressed, and how graffiti may be used for intelligence gathering. 7) Explain what some large cities are doing about their crimes of violence in general, and why some of those tactics are controversial. ) Explain what t he police tummy do about dealing with disorderly conduct by youth in public areas. 9) Describe what laughingstock be done to address minor(ip) drinking. 10) Review some COPPS approaches to school violence any cyber bullying. Chapter 12 1) Describe the nature and extent of identity theft and some of the ways that the police good deal attempt to prevent and address it. 2) Explain what is meant by the term mental illness, its nature and extent, contributing factors, and what the police provide to cope with it. 3) As with mental llness above, make out the nature and extent of homelessness and some means by which the police can try to cope with it. 4) Review the nature and extent of domestic violence, and how COPPS has affected the approaches to reduction its frequency. 5) Define what is meant by neighborhood disorder, how the economy has contributed to it, and ways COPPS can help to address it. 6) Review the problems surrounding prostitution, and list some means for addressing th em. 7) List the quadruplet types of stalking situations, and how a COPPS approach would deal with them. ) Explain how the internet has contributed to criminality, and how social networking sites have a part in those crimes review the challenges for, and techniques of the police for investigating them. Chapter 13 1) Describe how COPPS efforts have been undertaken in large, medium, and small jurisdictions. 2) Explain how federal and state law enforcement agencies as well as universities are engaging in COPPS activities. Chapter 14 1) Discuss the general system of policing in Canada, including the federal, provincial, and municipal systems. ) Describe the structure and functions of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, including its COPPS model, which they termed CAPRA. 3) Explain the police functions and responsibilities in Japan, with particular stress on the koban concept. 4) Review the responsibilities of the Australian Federal Police, to include how it serves the rural (ACT) areas . 5) Explain how crime prevention lies at the root of COPPS in both Sweden and France, as well as other similarities of their approach to, and practice of this philosophy. ) Review the role of constables in Great Britain. 7) Explain the five stages in the development of community policing in Hong Kong. Chapter 15 1) Discuss why a futures orientation is important for police executives and supervisors, as well as the national organization that exists to foster the study and practice of that orientation. 2) suffer an explanation of the kinds of accelerators and challenging crimes that the police must be trained to address in the future. 3) Define succession planning and explain why todays police leaders must engage in that practice. ) Review the concerns of and reasons for some police observers beliefs that there is a trend the police to become more federalized and militarized. 5) Explain the authors concerns with the language of policing in general, particularly the tendency to use n ew labels and to create new eras of policing include intelligence-led policing and predictive policing in your response. 6) List a summary of the challenges set about the police in the future in order to fully embrace COPPS.Term Papers redundant Questions try out Strategy card of Contents 1Purpose3 2About Additional Questions3 3Requirements4 3. 1As-Is and impudently AQ features4 AQ As-Is birth from V14 AQ Additional / Enhanced blow for V24 ? raise AQ available Component4 ?AQ FCA linked to Scoring FCA4 ?Create AQ Event by copying an alive event (closed, open, draft & archived)4 ? Invite Supplier4 3. 2AQ High Level utilitarianity and List of exploiter Stories5 Table below places the mapping of drug user Stories against the As-Is AQ Functionality5 Table below possesss the mapping of User Stories against the upstart AQ Functionality5 4Additional Questions developing6 . 1AQ let Development in unthaws6 4. 2In Sprint interrogation (Blue are new AQ lets)6 4. 3System Tes ting7 4. 4In Sprint Testing Dependencies7 4. 5System Testing Dependencies8 1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to give the overview of the Test Strategy (Approach) for Additional Questions deliver which forget be unquestionable and Implemented for V2. This document briefs about AQ functionality and its inquirements, the development approach, this document besides discuss about the various levels of raiseing AQ as its being developed & the dependencies for testing. About Additional Questions Additional Question is an existing functionality of V1 Accelerate applications programme, hence its cognize as As-Is feature for V2. And also have some additional/ deepen features for V2. This Additional Questions (AQ) is a buyer centric functionality and in V1 AQ is not a putting surface feature which is available for all Buyers. Its a Bolt-On feature, where a Buyer organisation can opt for this feature by making additional payment. AQ functionality has been developed and implement ed in V1 in a way it can be configured for any Buyer Organisation.AQ provides an additional edge to Buyer Organisation where they can ask their intended Questions to a specific set of suppliers of their own interest and short list them upon their response. Using this feature member of a Buyer Organisation, who is having permissions to AQ can create an AQ Event which comprises of a template with questions, and the member can search for suppliers and invite them all or a specific set of suppliers to answer the questions, on or originally a dead line date set for the particular AQ event by the member.Buyer exploiter can create AQ Events and save it for feature purpose, existing AQ event can be used by some other Buyer Organisation member and the member can use it as it is or can do some changes before inviting the suppliers. Even the invited AQ events can be reused. Buyer User will be able to add or remove questions to an AQ event. A. Q summary is the last stage of draft event in whi ch the user can preview the whole event and also review it before sending it to the supplier users. Supplier need to respond to AQ and buyer will rate supplier according.Scoring engine will help AQ to rate Supplier. AQ product needs to be configured by C3 user with all required features. AQ will be added as a component which will be inherited by child product (community). * 3 Requirements Requirements developed as User Stories and reviewed by Products & Services team and approved. Both the existing features (As-Is) and the new V2 specific additional / enhanced features are also covered in user stories. The below table will give the bifurcation of brisk and New features of Additional Questions. . 1 As-Is and New AQ Features * AQ As-Is Feature from V1 * AQ Additional / Enhanced Feature for V2 * Create AQ Template * Create AQ functional Component * Create AQ Draft event & review of AQ * AQ FCA linked to Scoring FCA * Create AQ Event using AQ Template * Permission to C3 User for AQ * Create AQ Event by copying an existing event (closed, open, draft & archived) * Create & use AQ subroutine library * * Invite Supplier * Language Support to AQ AQ view for GBO * Buyer assigns scoring to AQ Event * AQ view for Buyer * Scoring can be manual or automatic * * AQ view for Supplier * AQ alert to buyer when Current interpret + 7 = dismiss Date * Modification to AQ Open Event * Reminder telecommunicate to supplier who has not responded * Categorisation of AQ Open Event (Responded, Not Responded, Not Interested) * Clarification asked by Buyer on AQ supplier response * AQ Reports * AQ scoring for each supplier * * Comparison of AQ with respect to supplier * * Buyer rate & email to supplier on AQ Close Event * 4. 2 AQ High Level Functionality and List of User Stories * Table below gives the mapping of User Stories against the As-Is AQ Functionality Area Functionality User stratum GBO Buyer Supplier * Table below gives the mapping of User Stories against the New AQ Functionality Area Functionality User Story GBO Buyer Supplier * 4 V2 Development Strategy 5. 3 Development Approach V2 development is a mix of both Waterfall and Agile development framework.The Development of requirements follows waterfall, where as the actual code development will happen in agile methodology. First all the User Stories will be written, reviewed and signed off by the stake holders. Development will follow the high level milestone plan, which comprises of internal thaws and Demo put down. Date 1/Dec/12 1/Jan/13 15/Jan/13 29/Jan/13 1/Feb/13 1/Mar/13 15/Mar/13 29/Mar/13 Release alpha 0. 1 alpha 0. 2 Alpha 0. 3 Alpha 1. 0 Alpha 1. 1 Alpha 1. 2 Alpha 1. 3 Alpha 2. 0 Purpose native Internal Internal Board Internal Internal Internal BoardAs mentioned above each and every internal release has multiple cringles for development and the user stories will be allocated to these iterations for development. Within these iterations all the allocated user stories will be developed and tested In-Sprint Testing. 5. 4 AQ Feature Development in Releases As explained above, AQ as feature to be developed for V2 will also follow the same development methodology, All User Stories belongs to AQ will first written, reviewed and signed off, and then developed in multiple releases in multiple iterations.The table below will give us the picture of AQ Development in Release and eyelet wise. The Main purpose of the below table is to give watch picture of When AQ feature development will be started and in which release it will developed and delivered 100%. Table below will not give the Start and End dates of either each and every release or grummets, these dates are available with the development team and ion their plan. Release loop User Story Functionality / Area Internal Release Alpha 0. 1 Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Internal Release Alpha 0. 2 Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Itera tion 3 Iteration 4 Internal Release Alpha 0. 3 Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Demo Release 1. 0 Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Internal Release Alpha 1. 1 Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Internal Release Alpha 1. 2 Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Internal Release Alpha 1. 3 Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Demo Release 2. 0 Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 5 AQ Test Approach This section describes the test approach for Additional Question by explaining the quest. * Testing Scope of Additional Questions * Dependency with other critical V2 functionalities * consolidation with Third Party Application Features * Levels of Testing * Test Design & Execution * Test info Requirements * Functional Automation Testing * Non Functional Testing Scope 6. 5 Scope of Additional QuestionsAdditional Question as feature it spread acros s all the major areas of V2 application, though its Buyer centric feature its having scope in C3 (Configuration Control Center), GBO (Global Back Office), SCC (Standard Company Concept) Buyer & Supplier. End to End Perspective From an end to end perspective the AQ functionality testing needs to be started from C3 (may be configuration of AQ need additional information to complete it) and then SCC-Buyer can create AQ Events and invite Suppliers and then SCC- Suppliers can respond for AQ events.From GBO-User perspective AQ needs to be tested for AQ Dashboard, AQ Reports, etc (need additional information to complete this section) Non Functional Perspective doing Few AQ Features needs to be tested for Performance * AQ template creation with more Questions * Inviting multiple suppliers * Response clip of viewing AQ responses * AQ Report Generation for SCC-Buyer & GBO User Multilingual Perspective As Additional Question can be configured for any scheme / community, and we have communi ties which support more than one language, AQ needs to be tested in all applicable languages.Cross web browser Perspective As Buyer organisation members and Suppliers can use any browser to entrance fee the application, Additional Questions features needs to be tested in multiple browser combinations. Community Specific Additional Questions can be configured for specific communities and as we already have few communities effectively using AQ, all such communities needs to be tested thoroughly AQ feature. Supplier Perspective AQ needs to be thoroughly tested with * Newly Registered Suppliers * Migrated Suppliers 6. 6 Additional Questions Dependency with other Features. AdditionalQuestions is one of the feature in V2 application, this feature has some integration / colony with some other features of V2 application. This section describes the AQ dependency with such other features of V2. This dependency may play a critical role in AQ testing at functional level and at end to end test ing, we may have a work around to bypass the dependency, where as some feature must be available to test AQ. AQ Feature Dependent Feature Dependency level When This Feature will be Ready Do we have Work just about Work Around Effectiveness of Work Around Invite Supplier Search Very High ? ? ? Email Generation Very High ? ? ? Existing / Migrated Suppliers High ? ? ? All such dependencies for all AQ features needs to be captured in a separate excel sheet and attached to this document. And the Dependencies needs to be discussed with Development team, as we may need their help for some work around or the feature needs to be developed in a priority. This dependency is very critical for test movement. 6. 7 integrating with Third Party Application Features This section needs to be filled in 6. 8 Levels of TestingAdditional Questions will be tested at In-Sprint Testing and System Testing, this section describes what will be covered in In-Sprint Testing and System Testing. In -Sprint Testing In-Sprint Testing is part of development, In-Sprint testing team will work along with Development team for Release and Iterations, user stories assigned to iterations is the scope for development and testing, while development teams starts secret writing In-Sprint testing team starts test design, when the feature is developed and ready for testing, In-Sprint test team will test the feature and give the result.In-Sprint test team covers Unit, Integration, uninterrupted Integration and Regression Testing. In-Sprint Unit Testing In unit testing, team checks for the following using Checklists * Field Level Validation of all controls * Boundary Value, comparing Partitioning * Page Navigation on Links * Messages (information on control validation, Tool Tips, etc ) * Page Templates, Company Logo, T&Cs, Copy Right, etc * Cross Browser All UI design needs to be validated with all applicable browser combinationsIn-Sprint Integration Testing Team test the features developed integrated with preceded and following features of a feature belongs to same module (Group of requirements, belongs to one user story) within the iteration as the features being developed in iterations. And also the integration of radical of requirements developed (one User story) with another group of requirements (another User Story) as iteration is having multiple User stories. In-Sprint test team will write functional test cases to test this integration of features.In-Sprint regular Integration Testing Team tests the integration of features developed in multiple iterations, as the features developed across multiple iterations of any release are being continuously integrated together. Team may write separate set of integration test cases for this else they will enhance their existing integration test cases to test this, in an another approach team can group set of individual integration test cases and execute them in an order which covers this continuous integration.In-Sprint R egression Testing Test team executes all the test cases which belongs to earlier release for any successive release, this is to ensure that the new release features are not hampering the existing features already developed and tested and also ensures the integration of features in between two successive release is working fine. Table below gives a picture of Unit, Integration, Continuous Integration & Regression testing for Releases and Iterations.Release Iteration User Story Feature Testing Unit Integration Continuous Integration Regression Release 1 Iteration 1 User Story 1 Feature 1 Y Integration of feature 1+2+3+4 Continuous Integration of User Story 1 + 2+ 3 Release 1 TCs Regression Suite for Release 2 Feature 2 Y Feature 3 Y Feature 4 Y User Story 2 Feature 5 Y Integration of feature 5+6+7+8 Feature 6 Y Feature 7 Y Feature 8 Y User Story 3 Feature 9 Y Integration of feature 9+10 Feature 10 Y Iteration 2 User Story 4 Feature 11 Y Integration of feature 11+12+13+14 Continuous Integration of User Story 1 + 2+ 3+4+5+6 Feature 12 Y Feature 13 Y Feature 14 Y User Story 5 Feature 15 Y Integration of feature 15+16+17+18 Feature 16 Y Feature 17 Y Feature 18 Y User Story 6 Feature 19 Y Integration of feature 19+20 Feature 20 Y Release 2 Iteration 3 User Story 7 Feature 21 Y Y Y Release 1 + Release 2 TCs Regression Suite for Release 3 Feature 22 Y Feature 23 Y Feature 24 Y User Story 8 Feature 25 Y Y Feature 26 Y Feature 27 Y Feature 28 Y User Story 9 Feature 29 Y Y Feature 30 Y Iteration 4 User Story 10 Feature 31 Y Y Y Feature 32 Y Feature 33 Y Feature 34 Y User Story 11 Feature 35 Y Y Feature 36 Y Feature 37 Y Feature 38 Y User Story 12 Feature 39 Y Y Feature 40 Y System Testing System testing will be executed by System Testing team, System test design and exec ution will be done as End to End level. In System test design we will write Test Scenarios and Prepare Test Data to execute the System Testing. Test Scenarios will cover multiple functionalities with all permutation and combination of functionalities to test all possible real time end to end scenarios.System testing will also cover the end to end scenarios for maximum number of suppliers, for example System testing will be executed for inviting 500 suppliers for an AQ event, creating an AQ event with 100 Questions. And to execute the end to end testing for such high volume of suppliers we need support from Automation, because as the V2 application being developed right from the scratch, existing suppliers not available in the system, hence we need to first register for 100 of suppliers, registering 100 of suppliers will require high resource count and its practically not possible.And also respond to an AQ event sent for 100 of suppliers it take time and resource, if it needs to be d one manually, in such scenario we need Automation script to complete the task. 6. 9 Test Design 6. 10 Test Data Requirements 6. 11 Functional Automation Testing 6. 12 Non Functional Testing Scope

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The State of Florida

The State of Florida has a professional body that implements the legislations that pertain to the practice of mental wellness counseling in the state. The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy & Mental Health counsel award licenses to mental wellness professionals who seek to practice in the state of Florida. The board determines whether the educational credentials, training and experience of the applicant pass the standards and requirements set by the board and the legislated regulation of mental health professionals. The board similarly has the authority to suspend and revoke licenses when the professional has been found to have committed actions which violates the ethical guidelines identified by the board.According to the State of Floridas statute of clinical counseling and psychotherapy (State of Florida, 2007), the legislation of regulating and professions and occupations prevents the unqualified mental health professionals from practicing in Florid a and protects the public from poorly trained professionals who may become threat to the health and well-being of the public.The state has recognized that the quality of life at give up has been at a lower placegoing changes and that emotional and psychological health is directly related to physical health. It is presumed that the public ineluctably qualified mental health professionals who could provide services to the public in order to maintain their mental health, thus qualified professionals should be given the science and authority to engage in legitimate practice. Becoming a duly licensed mental health professional would imply that the state recognizes ones ability and skills and the public would be assured that they will be getting quality c be.The state categorizes the mental health professionals according to clinical social work, spousal and family therapy and mental health counseling. The distinctions are made to clearly identify the area of specialization and client ele of the said professions, although a dual license is available for those who are qualified to practice in two of the three categories.The licensure requirements for mental health counseling are different for students who have undergone training in a Council for the Accreditation of management and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) accredited institutions and for non-CACREP institutions. Aside from the completion of a masters degree in mental health related courses, the applicant essential also have about 2 years of post-masters experience in the field of counseling under a licensed supervisor.The non-CACREP graduate must satisfy the required hours and units to meet the required instruction and training on counseling theories and practice, adult male growth and development diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology human sexuality, group theories and practice, individual evaluation and assessment, career and lifestyle assessment, research and program evaluation, social and cultural foundations, counseling in community settings and substance abuse and in ethical, legal and professional standards ( requirements for licensing in social work and marriage and family therapy also specifies the hours and units of graduate work and courses in the specific field. An integral requirement is the completion of the internship hours under a certified supervisor in the said specialization.With this in mind, I found that the university curriculum matches the required training and education that the state licensing asks for and I was dexterous to note that the university is also CACREP accredited indicating that I just need to complete all the required courses and practicum and I can probably apply for the licensure. At present I have no plans of pursuing a doctoral degree in mental health counseling, I think I am more than inclined to finish this masters degree at the moment. I am 43 years old and I have 3 kids which blotto that I do not hav e the energy to go through another 3 years for the doctoral degree. However, I am still plain-spoken to the idea if after this degree I might change my mind and get that Ph.D.ReferencesFlorida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy & Mental HealthCounseling (2004). Retrieved October 17, 2007 from http// Florida Statutes, Chapter 491 Clinical and Counseling and Psychotherapy Services,Retrieved October 17, 2007 from http//