Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Love is a Bitch in Amores Perros Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Love is a Bitch in Amores Perros - Term Paper Example The film is not a simplistic critique of the Mexican society. Rather it is a revelation of the human nature with all its frailties, speedily accentuated by the rapid social changes and a continual dilution of social values. Amores Perros depicts the darker side of the contemporary Mexican society and nudges the viewers to reflect on its disturbing and unjust dynamics. The film is set in the modern day Mexico City. The universal appeal of the film could be attributed to its illustrative depiction of the concepts of broken families and betrayal, the themes which tend to be common to most of the modern day cultures, societies and civilizations (Flynn 35). The selfish and callous tendencies of the characters in the movie give something to relate to almost all its contemporary viewers, irrespective of the place or country which they live in. The pain of Mexico City as shown in the film is the inevitable plight of modern societies. Story Amores Perros is a film woven around the stories of three characters that are Octavio, Daniel and El Chivo, which in a way represent a microcosm of the contemporary, middle class, Mexican domestic scene. The family life of all the three characters is shown to have a common thread of deception running through them. Octavio loves his sister-in-law Susana. He earns money by dabbling in illegal dog fighting. Daniel jilts his wife and daughter, to get into a relationship with a famous model Valeria. El Chivo fails to share a normal family life with his daughter Maru because of being behind bars. In the entire three stories one comes across disruption of family relationships, betrayal of intimacy and trust and flaunting of long cherished social and domestic values. The central characters in the story are depicted as trying to eke out a better life for themselves, but albeit through questionable and unconventional means. The story raises many questions as to whether the unscrupulousness of the three central characters is the strictly person al marrow of their bones or are their lives helplessly simmering in the larger boiling pot of an age and times where achievement is about money only, beauty is simply about looks and family life is about convenience, opportunism and shallowness? The characters in the movie discernibly evince a stark disassociation and variance between feeling and thought, success and honesty, intimacy and fidelity and end and means, which strikingly seem alright and normal in the surrounding social landscape (Podalsky, 148). This seeming normalcy of the things is what is abnormal and pervert. Class Depictions and Related Social Themes In the film, the lower middle class is depicted as being limited and constrained by self adopted and socially reinforced stereotypes, which glorify acquisition, street smartness and unscrupulousness. In such a socio-economic scenario, all the roads seem to lead to an idea of success that is also a dead end in itself. It endows its adherents with all the promised goodie s, yet mercilessly snatches much that is simple, accessible and harmless. The ghetto life in the contemporary Mexico is shown as being marred by preexisting perceptions, where the individuals brazenly feel justified and alright to act out the roles that are valued and encouraged by their social ambience. It is a male dominated society where the young women are both the subject and object of raw lust, deserving a high monetary,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Production possibilities Essay Example for Free

Production possibilities Essay The production possibility frontier PPF is a curve that shows all efficient combination of output in an economy when the factors of production have been used efficiently and optimally. (Lipsey et al 355). Assume an economy produces 2 goods (x and y) and technology is fixed and resources are fully utilized.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To produce more units of x means that more resources will be transferred and less output of Y will be produced. The reverse is also true as production of more units of y reduces the production of X units. To produce more units of X may require that labor be increased. This reduces the labor for Y produced. Increasing the production of one good translates to increased ‘sacrifice’ or cost. The opportunity cost of producing X in terms of Y increases with the production of more ‘X’ commodity and consequently lesser units of Y are produced.   The opportunity cost increases as more of ‘X’ or ‘Y’ units are produced because although some resources may be suited for the production of both commodities some may not be efficient. For instance, diverting all laborers in X production to Y production may not yield effective results. To obtain 3 units of Y (1) unit of X is given off.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The production possibilities frontier is based on some assumptions. There are two goods or commodities in the economy and it shows the trade offs between them. It assumes that common resources are used in the production of the two commodities. There is fixed technology. Technological changes could influence the production of one good over the other. There is full employment and fixed resources. These assumptions would be more applicable in the short run as opposed to the long run. (Lipsey et al 368). Production along the curve is termed as efficient. Therefore point d, c and e are efficient points of production operating within the economy’s capacity or at optimal. Production at point (a) is attainable but inefficient. Such combination is less than what the economy is capable of producing. Resources are not optimally utilized and hence the inefficiency. Production at point (b) is attainable given the economy’s capacity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship are the common or most recognized factors of production. Land entails natural resources that are at times modified and contribute to the production processes. Land varies in terms of its fertility. It is fixed but can be improved or renovated for instance swampy areas. (Lipsey et al 400).   Labor or human capital is also an important factor of production. Labor is the human resources or people who work. They include professional engineers or technicians capital includes ‘building machinery and tools. Labor is human be it effort be it mental or physical capital is man-made goods. People have varying skills and expertise resulting to varying wages and salaries. Labor can be improved through training. Capital is mostly used to refer to ‘financial ability’ but it includes the equipment or machinery that have to be put in place for successful production of goods. Entrepreneurship refers to the risk takers who operate businesses. They receive profits as laborers receive wages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The PPF is a downward sloping curve due to the principle of increasing costs. (Lipsey et al 370). Increasing the production of X leads to a decline in the production of Y. It is concave to origin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Production at point (b) can only be possible when the economy experiences growth, which could be due to various factors. Increased supply of resource for instance discovery of oil would increase the supply of natural resources as an increase in population due to migration would increase labor. Improvement in technology could lead to a more efficient and effective means of production that could shift the PPF outwards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Point (b) lies outside the PPF and the economy needs to increase its efficiency, factor resources or improve on the technology. Similar goods have a downward sloping straight line PPF showing that the opportunity cost between them is constant.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Point (a) shows that some resources are unemployed and thus wasteful. An economy could be operating at this point if some of its resources are lying idle or if the resources are being used inefficiently in production.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Using previously used inefficiently resources efficiently as well as employing previously unemployed resources would also help an economy produce at ‘b’. Operating on the curve means that resources are used effectively to producing along the curve is better for the economy. Works Cited: Lipsey, Richard and Ragan Christopher. Microeconomics. Toronto, Addison Wesley Longman. Tenth Edition. 2001.p 355-450

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Legends Of Seismology :: essays research papers

Legends in Our Time Seismologists†¦ Scientists and Mathematicians Beno Gutenberg was the foremost observational seismologist of the twentieth century. He combined exquisite analysis of seismic records with powerful analytical, interpretive, and modeling skills to contribute many important discoveries of the structure of the solid Earth and its atmosphere. Perhaps his best known contribution was the precise location of the core of the Earth and the identification of its elastic properties. Other major contributions include the travel-time curves; the discovery of very long-period seismic waves with large amplitudes that circle the Earth; the identification of differences in crustal structure between continents and oceans, including the discovery of a significantly thin crust in the Pacific; the discovery of a low-velocity layer in the mantle (which he interpreted as the zone of decoupling of horizontal motions of the surficial parts from the deeper parts of the Earth); the creation of the magnitude scale for earthquakes; the relation between magnitu des and energies for earthquakes; the famous universal magnitude-frequency relation for earthquake distributions; the first density distribution for the mantle; the study of the temperature distribution in the Earth; the understanding of microseisms; and the structure of the atmosphere. Source: Inge Lemann's primary accomplishments dealt with discoveries about the Earth's core. In 1936, she discovered that the Earth has a small inner core. Then she "saw" the area where earthquake waves did not pass through and reasoned that there must be an outer liquid core and an inner solid core. She was the first president of the European Seismological Commission. Lehmann was Denmark's only seismologist for two decades. And, in 1977, she became the first woman to be awarded the Medal of the Seismological Society of America. Source: Charles Francis Richter started working at the Seismological Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, based at Pasadena, California, in 1927. The following year, he was awarded a doctorate in theoretical physics by the Californian Institute of Technology (Caltech). During the 1930s, Richter was tabulating over 200 earthquakes a year in southern California at Caltech's Seismological Laboratory. He wanted to devise a means of assessing them on an objective, quantitative basis. Measuring the amplitudes of seismic waves recorded on seismographs in southern California, Richter formulated a local magnitude scale, to assess the size of earthquakes occurring in the region.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Holes by Louis Sacher

Holes by Louis Sacher Theme Fate does play an important role in the lives of many of the characters in the novel Holes. Stanley’s great-great-grandfather was cursed with bad luck by Madame Zeroni because he did not carry her up the mountain as he had promised. The bad luck haunts his relatives for over a hundred years, until the day Stanley Yelnats the third fourth fulfils the promise of his great-great-grandfather by carrying Madame Zeroni's great-grandson up a mountain and sing him Madame Zeroni's lullaby. From this point the Yelnats family’s luck turns. Stanley Yelnats great-grandfather was robbed by Kate Barlow and left stranded in the desert. He had survived alone for seventeen days before he was rescued by some hunters. He claimed to have â€Å"found rescue in god's tumb†. So when Stanley and Zero are stranded in the exact same desert over a hundred years later and spot a mountain with the contour of a thumb, Stanley decides to follow his great-grandfather's example and climb the mountain. On this mountain they find onions and water which gives them strength to survive and continue their adventure. On their adventure, Stanley and Zero develop a solid friendship. They face a lot of challenges which makes them bond even stronger. A good example is when Stanley carries Zero's almost lifeless body up the high, steep mountain. Stanley steals a car just to help his friend Stanley, and Zero gets in to a fight only to defend Stanley. Good Conflict Zero escaped from Camp Green Lake after he had hit Mr. Pendanski in the head with his shovel. Knowing that Zero is walking around in the desert without any food or water leaves Stanley feeling guilty and worried about him. This makes him steal a car and escape from camp, just to help his friend. Fine. Conflicts between characters Catherine Barlow and Trout Walker Catherine is the first woman to turn Trout down and give him a â€Å"no†. This upsets Trout, and he burns Catherine's school down and kills her boyfriend. Mr. Sir And Stanley Stanley is accused of stealing Mr. Sir's sunflower seeds and is taken to the Warden by Mr. Sir. The Warden gets upset about Mr. Sir wasting her time with trifles and slap him his face with her poisonous nails. Mr. Sir's face get ugly swellings and he lets his anger and embarrassment out on Stanley. Zero an Mr. Pendanski Mr. Pendanski is constantly mocking at Zero about how stupid and incompetent he is. Zero finally gets enough and hits Mr. Pendanski in the head with his shovel. Fine Setting Green Lake was once the largest lake in the whole of Texas. It was a bright and lush place surrounded by peach trees and fertile mountains. When Sam got killed the whole town of Green Lake was somehow punished, not one single drop of water has fallen on Green Lake since that fateful day. The area is now all hot and dried up and there are no longer any remains of the green and sunny paradise it used to be. Camp Green Lake is now just a dry wasteland without any signs of vegetation, shade or water. Beside the boys, the only residents are scorpions, rattlesnakes and some deadly yellow-spotted lizards. When Stanley and Zero leave Camp Green Lake the sky turns dark and the first drop of rain for over a hundred years falls into the empty lake. Water being reunited with the lake is probably an indication on that vegetation and wildlife slowly will return to the area. We are also told that Camp Green Lake will become a Girl Scout camp in a few years. This tells us that the camp probably will be upgraded and get a friendlier look. It is also unlikely that a Girl Scout camp would find place in a desert, so this again suggests that Green Lake is returning green again. Good Characterization When Stanley arrives Camp he is an unhappy, overweight kid without any friends, being bullied by classmates and teachers. He appears to be secluded and feels uncomfortable in social situations and he is often sick with generally bad health. After just a weeks stay at camp, Stanley starts to lose weight and gain muscle. He gets a little more confident as he feels more accepted and he is given the nickname â€Å"Caveman » by the other boys. Stanley’s letters home Stanley writes a lot of letters home to his mum which gives us an impression of him being a kind and caring boy. In the letters he twists the truth with the intention of sparing his mum. This underlines his character even more. A few months later Stanley has gotten even stronger. He is a faster digger with muscles and thick skin. His low self esteem seems to be as good as gone. When Zero ask him to teach him how to read, Stanley has no problem turning him down. It is like he has lost much of his sympathy. By the time he leaves camp, Stanley has changed a lot, both physically and psychically He is more self-aware and has developed the emphatic side of himself. He is the same good guy as before just braver and happier. Good Zero Zero is first presented as a silent and strange character who shrinks from answering questions and talking. As we follow Zero through the book, we get to know him as an honest and generous boy. He is homeless and sent to Camp Green Lake because he had stolen some shoes. He is a smart kid, however he has some trouble expressing himself since he neither can read nor write. Stanley helps him with his language problems and they develop a friendship and Zero really opens up through the book. Good The adults at Camp Green Lake Mr. Sir Mr. Sir is one of the counsellors at Camp Green Lake. He is emphatic and tough and seems to enjoy being cruel to the campers. As result of his attempt to quit smoking, he is constantly chewing sunflower seeds. Mr. Pendanski Mr. Pendanskis in charge of Stanley's tent at Camp Green Lake, Tent D. He seems to be a friendly and quite stupid man, however he reveals the mean side of him- self when he suggests shooting the boys at the end of the book. (He is also nasty to Zero throughout. ) The Warden The warden is the commander in chief at Camp Green Lake. She is threatening and feared among both the campers and the other adults at camp. She claims that the boys are digging to build character, however she is really looking for Kate Barlow's treasure. Good Parallels between the stories Peaches Kate Barlow was famous for her spiced peaches, (Stanley and) Zero finds remains of these peaches out in the desert a hundred years later, calls them Sploosh and survives on them. The cure against bad foot odour, invented by Stanley's father has the smell of peaches and is named Sploosh. Onions Sam was an onion-seller, and he spoke well about the many healing qualities of onions. Sam's onion field was located on the exact same spot as Stanley and Zero find their onion supplies. The onions make Stanley and Zero regain their health and. avoid bites from the deadly yellow-spotted lizards.. Yellow- spotted lizards Yellow-spotted lizards are deadly lizards living in the empty holes at Camp Green Lake. Each lizard has exactly eleven yellow spots on their back, and it is said that if you are close enough to count them you are as good as dead. It was a yellow-spotted lizard that killed Kate Barlow and it is yellow-spotted lizards that almost kills Stanley and Zero while they are digging up Kate's treasure. Mary Lou Mary Lou was Sam's donkey. Sam claimed her to be almost fifty years old, and explained it by her eating nothing but raw onions. She got shot in the head and died the same day as Sam. There is also the boat. Fine The role of the song The first song deals with the fact that life is hard and a wish of an easier life. The second song is replying that life will never be easy and you will have to face your troubles and be proud of yourself. This song fits the Yelnats family, since they are a family with bad luck wishing life was easier. OK, but how does this change in the song reflect the changes in the story? Title I believe the novel is called holes simply because the campers have to dig holes and there are also â€Å"holes† in the novel which need to be filled. You could give some examples of these. There are also holes in the lives of Stanley and Zero. For example, the one left by Zero's mother when she disappeared. Good. You have answered the various parts of the assignment well and have shown insight and a very good understanding of the novel. You could perhaps have written a little more in some of your answers. Language: mistakes (there are a few too many of these) are colour coded as follows yellow: spelling blue: verbs green: language (for example, word choice, prepositions, punctuation and so on)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Discuss Emma from Jane Austen s’ ‘Emma’ Essay

Emma is a well know novel written by Jane Austen, it’s based on the woman`s status at that time period and on the concept of the Augustan era. Jane Austen wrote Emma in the time period of when she grew up, It Took Jane Austen 15 Months to Write Emma. This Novel helps us understand the status of a woman at that time when women weren’t allowed to vote, wasn`t entitled to substandard education and were limited to housework. Jane Austen is trying to explain to us that in those days women had two choices to get married or to become a governess, and by understanding the way society was at the time, it will help us appreciate Emma. Jane Austen only wrote 6 novels and 5 of them are based on young women whose chances of marriage were very dependent on their status in society. However, Emma was different; she was her own woman who didn’t see the need in having to marry. The Character of Emma â€Å"with an alacrity beyond the common impulse of a spirit†¦ with the real good-will of a mind delighted with its own ideas† (Chapter 3, Page 15) was different from other women at that time, Jane Fairfax & Harriet Smith Play a big part in The noel, they are used manipulatively as clever devices to show that Emma`s ideas were not only based on reality but her own ideas that she decided herself. Jane Austen makes it clear to us from beginning of the novel that Emma is not a character that compiles with the flaws of her century. Emma is Strong-witted and can be very arrogant towards other people, she is also patronizing and presumptuous. She isn’t a typical woman of her status at her time as women`s lives were very quite controlled and restricted at the time of Jane Austen. The Novel Emma gives us the insight on Jane Austen`s Feelings and point of view on women living in that era. It Changes Emma from being a typical young woman of her time to her own woman who makes her own decisions and isn’t worried about the consequences. Although these flaws make Emma unique and independent and can be praised, they can also be criticized â€Å"Was one of the few people who could see faults in Emma Woodhouse, and the only one who ever told her of them, and tough this was not particularly agreeable to Emma† (Page 5) Emma seems very strong-witted, confident and proud of herself and doesn’t like to be criticized unlike most of the other woman of her time. Out of all Jane Austen’s Heroines, Emma is the most flawed and frustrating but in the end is the most endearing. As a character Emma matures towards the end and realises the folly and misguidance of her actions towards other people. At the beginning of the novel Emma Likes To Think Of Herself as independent and doesn’t want to marry this could be because she`s comfortable with her status in society. We are made to think that Emma is a selfish young woman who is proud of herself and feels no need to marry. Later on in the novel we begin to realize that Emma`s match-making and interfering is causing no good and Emma Realizes this too. She then comes to realize her feelings for Mr. Knightly and starts to see the possibility that she needs to marry. There`s a lot of irony in Emma`s beliefs as she is the centre of everyone`s attention and interferes in other peoples relationships so much that she doesn’t realize her feelings for Mr. Knightly. Mr. Knightly is the only person in the whole novel that criticizes Emma other characters don’t really talk much about Emma except chapter 5 were Mr. Knightly and Mrs. Weston Discuss Emma. Emma thinks of herself completely different what others think of her, this also makes the novel more ironic. Emma thinks so highly of herself she doesn’t take any notice of what others might think this is a very cleaver device that Jane Austen uses. Emma and Harriet become friends so Emma tries to fins Harriet a husband that she thinks will be suitable. Emma doesn’t take any notice that Harriet if from a different class to her and looks for a husband for Harriet of her own class. Emma also carelessly starts a rumour about Jane Fairfax whilst flirting with Frank Churchill. However, Emma doesn’t do this on purpose and towards the end of the play Jane Austen shows us that Emma learns from her mistakes. Emma has many weaknesses and one of them just as Mr. Knightly had predicted â€Å"She will never submit to anything requiring industry and patience and a subjection of the fancy to the understanding† (Volume 1, Chapter 5). Emma is the cleverest in her family and is idolized by a lot of Highbury, this may be why she is so confident and convinced that she`s always right. Emma always seems to see the need to reshape things to suit herself this shows that Emma`s imagination has too much impact on her actions. Jane Austen makes it clear to us that Emma has a lot of imagination and this causes a lot of problems. Mr. Knightly states that imagination is nonsense; this is ironic as it opposes â€Å"sense† against â€Å"imagination† Jane Austen lets poetic justice take place in the novel towards the disclosure at the end, as this shows the procedure Emma needs to go through and the developments that need to be made in order to get the ‘perfect ending’. There were quite a few times in the novel when Jane Austen made Emma go through emotional and frustrating situations, which had been caused by herself, in these situations Emma, had to look back on her actions and be remorseful. Jane Austen shows us that the greatest threat to achieving happiness is ourselves. Towards the ending of the novel, there are quite a few examples when Emma has to me sorry for her actions. Mr. Knightly rebukes Emma for her bad-mannered conduct towards Miss Bates and Box Hill, He says, â€Å"I will tell you truths while I can†, she was â€Å"vexed beyond what could have been expressed,† and then she weeps. â€Å"Emma felt the tears running down her cheeks almost all the way home, without being at any trouble to check them, extraordinary as they were† (Page 376)Because Emma is crying this shows that she is starting to realize her mistakes and that she is feeling pain. It is only when something bad happens when Emma reacts to her bad actions, and when she realizes that she may lose Mr. Knightly she changes â€Å"†¦My blindness to what was going on, led me to act in a way that I must always be ashamed of, and I was very foolishly tempted to say and do many things which may well lay me open to unpleasant conjectures†. This shows that Emma feels embarrassed and humiliated and realizes her faults and mistakes and tries to fix them. We begin to see that Emma is slowly changing from being strong-witted, proud of herself, patronizing and confident to a more compassionate and honest character. Jane Austen has Emma go on an emotional rollercoaster towards the ending to create the ‘perfect happiness’ through poetic justice. In the end Emma is rewarded with the ‘perfect happiness’ and not the punishment she is afraid to get. We admire Emma as a character because of her flaws at the beginning and how they were changing throughout the novel, towards the end of the play she realizes her faults and mistakes and tries to fix them and changes her ways. Towards the ending we begin to see the more compassionate and honest side of Emma that wants to help people rather than the patronizing and self absorbed Emma she was in the beginning. This helps us appreciate Emma and lets us see that she has learnt from her mistakes and that she is maturing. Emma isn’t a typical woman of her time and tha`s why we love her because of her imperfections and her mistakes and the way she is able to turn things around to get her ‘perfect happiness’ that she has being searching for.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Business resources M1 Essays

Business resources M1 Essays Business resources M1 Essay Business resources M1 Essay Asses how managing these resources can improve the performance of your selected organisation. Managing business resource is vital for any business if they are determined to do well. A business has two types of resources and by managing the business resource it can improve the performance of the business in many areas such as profit margins and market share. If Sainsbury use they staff in an appropriate manner and make use of all they skills and abilities then the business can gain high amount of output for instance high level of productivity, motivated and improve team working. The business can give the staff training to broaden the skills and abilities of the staff which will benefit the business has the staff will be multi-skilled and will be able to work in different areas so if there was a staff absent another staff can filled and do the job task required.. There is two kind of training that could be given to the staff one is one the job training and the other is off the job training. This will benefit the business as it will have staff who can do various task and might decide to save money by making some employees redundant. If Sainsbury manages its equipment appropriately use the equipment to it full capacity and strength then the business can gain good level of productivity from the machine. If the business uses it equipment appropriately it will improve the performance of the business for instance if the business use they tills appropriately it will help speed queue time, help them with level of stock and minimise errors for the employees.. Every year the equipment which business uses depreciate in value so the business needs to cover the cost of the equipment by using the equipment properly. If Sainsbury manages its building properly by using to its full capability and ability then the business will manage to decrease costs and by redeeming cost from the use of the building. For instance if the business has empty shelves in the building then the business will not be gaining any money from that space of the building and they are not using the equipment to its strength which means they are not recouping they cost. If Sainsbury manages its security properly then the business has the assurance of they stock and valuable in the business are safe and secure. This can be only done if the security cameras are checked regularly if they are working and if the alarms set on at the right time. If these are not checked then business risks losing they stock and valuables by little mistakes which could have been corrected. If Sainsbury manages it materials correctly then the business will manage to produce loads of goods with those materials and save cost. However if the business doesnt not use its materials appropriately then the business will risk wasting they materials increase in costs. So using the business materials appropriately then it would improve the performance of a business as it will reduce cost by using the materials correctly. If a business uses its safety materials appropriately by cleaning the building on a regular basis then it would attract customers and the customers would appreciate the environment. If Sainsbury manages its vehicles such as vans and trucks correctly then the business will manage to recoup the cost of those vehicles by using the vehicles to its capabilities. If Sainsbury for instance use their vans appropriately for home deliveries then the business might manage to increase sales through online shopping as customers would be content with the service. If Sainsbury for instance use they trucks properly then they will manage to maintain they stock level by having the deliveries on time. This will eventually have an impact in the performance of the business by improving the performance. If Sainsbury manages it products correctly then the business will manage to sell most of its product and gain profits from those products. However if the business doesnt manage its products appropriately then the business will risk wasting those products which will mean the business would have increase costs. So using the products owned by the business appropriately would improve the performance of a business as it will have high sales levels and gain high profit margins from those products.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Popular Quotes From Fight Club (1999 Movie)

Popular Quotes From 'Fight Club' (1999 Movie) For those who get a high by watching action movies, Fight Club is a must-watch. The movie has lean mean macho-fighters, hard-core duels, and adrenalin-surging fight scenes. Brad Pitt fans will love him in the role of Tyler Durden. Secret fighting clubs and primal instincts are no longer taboo according to this movie. Let your adrenalin soar with these Fight Club quotes. Narrator: Fight club wasnt about winning or losing. It wasnt about words. The hysterical shouting was in tongues, like at a Pentecostal Church. Tyler: God Damn! We just had a near-life experience, fellas. Tyler: You have a kind of sick desperation in your laugh. Narrator: Is Tyler my bad dream? Or am I Tylers? Narrator: Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip. Tyler: Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken. Narrator: I am Jacks cold sweat. Narrator: If I did have a tumor, Id name it Marla. Tyler: Its only after weve lost everything that were free to do anything. Narrator: I got in everyones hostile little face. Yes, these are bruises from fighting. Yes, Im comfortable with that. I am enlightened. Narrator: I felt like destroying something beautiful. Narrator: When you have insomnia, youre never really asleep... and youre never really awake. Tyler: Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. Youre the s ame decaying organic matter as everything else. Narrator: On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. Narrator: This is your life and its ending one minute at a time. Tyler: Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessles life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever had. Tyler: Hey, you created me. I didnt create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility! Tyler: Three minutes. This is it... ground zero. Would you like to say a few words to mark the occasion? Narrator: [voiceover] With a gun barrel between your teeth, you speak only in vowels. Tyler: Fight Club was the beginning, now its moved out of the basement, its called Project Mayhem. Tyler: Only after disaster can we be resurrected. Tyler: [whispering] Tell him the liberator who destroyed my property has realigned my perception. Tyler: All right, if the applicant is young, tell him hes too young. Old, too old. Fat, too fat. If the applicant then waits for three days without food, shelter, or encouragement he may then enter and begin his training. Narrator: You wake up at Seatac, SFO, LAX. You wake up at OHare, Dallas-Fort Worth, BWI. Pacific, Mountain, Central. Lose an hour, gain an hour. This is your life, and its ending one minute at a time. You wake up at Air Harbor International. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? Narrator: We have front row seats for this theater of mass destruction. The demolition committee of Project Mayhem wrapped the foundation columns of a dozen buildings with blasting gelatin. In two minutes, primary charges will blow base charges and a few square blocks will be reduced to smoldering rubble. I know this... because Tyler knows this. Marla: Ive got a stomach full of Xanax. I took what was left of a bottle. It might have been too much. Tyler: Its getting exciting now, 2 and 1/2. Think of everything weve accomplished, man. Out these windows, we will view the collapse of financial history... one step closer to economic equilibrium. Tyler: In the world I see... you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. Youll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. Youll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, youll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway. Narrator: I am Jacks raging bile duct. Narrator: I ran. I ran until my muscles burned and my veins pumped battery acid. Then I ran some more. Narrator: After fighting, everything else in your life got the volume turned down. Tyler: Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing. Narrator: Look, nobody takes this more seriously than me. That condo was my life, okay? I loved every stick of furniture in that place. That was not just a bunch of stuff that got destroyed, it was ME!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Scales of Atmospheric Motion

The Scales of Atmospheric Motion The atmosphere is always in motion. Each of its swirls and circulations is known to us by name- a gust of wind, a thunderstorm, or a hurricane- but those names tell us nothing about its size. For that, we have weather scales. Weather scales group weather phenomena according to their size (the horizontal distance they span) and how long of a lifespan they have. In order from largest to smallest, these scales include the planetary, synoptic, and mesoscale. Planetary Scale Weather Planetary or global scale weather features are the largest and longest-lived. As their name suggests, they generally span tens of thousands of kilometers in size, extending from one end of the globe to another. They last weeks or longer. Examples of planetary-scale phenomena include: Semi-permanent pressure centers (the Aleutian Low, Bermuda High, Polar Vortex)The westerlies and trade winds Synoptic or Large Scale Weather Spanning somewhat smaller, yet large distances of a few hundred to several thousand kilometers, are synoptic scale weather systems. Synoptic scale weather features include those having lifetimes of a few days to a week or more, such as: Air massesHigh pressure systemsLow pressure systemsMid-latitude and extratropical cyclones (cyclones that occur outside of the tropics)Tropical cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons. Derived from the Greek word which means seen together, synoptic can also mean an overall view. Synoptic meteorology, then, deals with viewing a variety of large scale weather variables over a wide area at a common time. Doing this gives you a comprehensive and nearly instantaneous picture of the state of the atmosphere. If youre thinking this sounds an awful lot like a weather map, youre right! Weather maps are synoptic. Synoptic meteorology uses weather maps to analyze and predict large-scale weather patterns. So each time you watch your local weather forecast, you are seeing synoptic scale meteorology! Synoptic times displayed on weather maps are known as Z time or UTC. Mesoscale Meteorology Weather phenomena that are small in size- too small to be shown on a weather map- are referred to as mesoscale. Mesoscale events range from a few kilometers to several hundred kilometers in size. They last a day or less, and impact areas on a regional and local scale and include events such as: ThunderstormsTornadoesWeather frontsSea and land breezes Mesoscale meteorology deals with the study of these things and how the topography of a region modifies weather conditions to create mesoscale weather features. Mesoscale meteorology can be further divided into microscale events. Even smaller than mesoscale weather events are microscale events, which are smaller than 1 kilometer in size and very short-lived, lasting minutes only. Microscale events, which include things like turbulence and dust devils, dont do much to our daily weather.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Organizational Process Recommendation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Process Recommendation - Essay Example The control chart is basically a graph which is used to study the changes in processes over a particular period of time. The chart has a central line for the average, an n upper line which represents the upper control limit and a lower line which represents the lower control limits. The lines are determined using historical data. The comparisons of the current data to the above lines, a conclusion can be drawn about whether the variation in the process is consistent (implies process in control) or unpredictable (implies process out of control which are affected by special causes of variation). A control chart is based upon the statistical feature of normal distribution. The considerations of probability form the basis of the control limits. These basically depict whether the system in control are supported or not. The control charts can also be used to warn about the potential system problems. These charts also reveal the need for corrective action. Control charts are always prepared in real time. The procedure involves choosing an appropriate control chart for a particular data set, this is followed by determining the appropriate time period for plotting and collecting the data. The next step involves collecting the data, constructing the chart and analysing the data. Further the out of control signals on the control charts are determined and suitable steps to correct them are undertaken. The values that are obtained for repetitive measurements processes are plotted sequentially for evaluating the stability of the measurement process. These should be very similar to the test samples of interest. The absolute differences (R) of the duplicate measurements are sequentially plotted for evaluating the precision of management process. The average range which is related to the short term standard deviation. A t test is undertaken to assess whether the mean of the second set of data is has significant differences from the first set of

Intercultural communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Intercultural communication - Essay Example Today, many people believe that the city is the world leader in many things such as arts, communication and finance. For instance, the city prides itself as having one of the finest and multifaceted ports in the world. Additionally, New York City serves as headquarter to several organizations and corporations including United Nations. Besides being one of the major economic hubs in United States, New York City is also centre of media and communication, publishing and fashion designing (Unites States Census, 2011, p. 1). Demographics Historians describe New York City as the city that continually receives the highest number of immigrants. This is the reason why many refer to it as â€Å"melting pot† referring to the highly populated regions on the eastern parts of the city. With over 800 languages, it is clear that people from different backgrounds have come to live in the city. However, English is the most common language that many New Yorkers speak. According to census report of 2010, New York City has a population of 8,175,133 people. The greatest demographic features of the city remain cultural diversity, as there are people from different backgrounds living there, and population density. ... You will find people from at least every nation in the world living in New York. In fact, the city is home to Indians from the northern hemisphere, Chinese, Jewish community, Africans, and even Koreans. Nevertheless, in terms of race and ethnic composition, the whites top with 58 percent followed by Hispanics at 18 percent and Blacks at 14 percent (Unites States Census, 2011, p. 1). Language spoken at home With almost every community in the world represented in the city, people living in New York speak over 800 languages. In their homes, people from the same background can choose to speak their mother tongue. However, the most dominant language of communication in New York is English, and many immigrants have mastered this language in order to communicate with the natives. Certain homes also use Spanish and it is actually the second most popular language in New York City, Of course, not forgetting the other languages although very few number of New York residents use them. According to the census of 2010, children aged over five years, irrespective of the background of their parents, speak English as their primary language in addition to another language. However, the fluency in speaking English depends on one’s background. Socioeconomic levels New York being an economic hub, the expectations are that many people living there are doing well socially and economically. However, depending on one’s background, the socioeconomic levels are not the same for all residents of New York City. Truth is, many New Yorkers are above the scale economically. However, it is important to note that in any society. We have the low class, middle class and upper class people. Majority of New York residents are middle class with well-paying jobs or own some business

Friday, October 18, 2019

Compare the Ways the British and French Ruled Their Respective Essay

Compare the Ways the British and French Ruled Their Respective Mandates. What Are Some of Their Legacies in the Region Today - Essay Example The British and French rule in the Middle East A look into history proves that before the 1st World War, Britain and France were rivals in nature and were worried about the increasing influence of each other in the Arab and African region (Brainard, 2004). While the British developed a north-south axis of power, to balance the equation, the French developed a firm east-west axis of power. However, as both of them realized the benefits of supporting mutual interests, they came together by the beginning of the 20th century through assisting Suez Canal construction by Egypt, the Sykes-Picot agreement and the alliance in the First World War. The period thereafter witnessed a considerable change in the strategy adopted by both. They decided to divide the Middle East into a large number of countries. This helped them balance the power without conflict, and also, it ensured that they could continue their exploitation without considerable amount of opposition from the territories. Similariti es and dissimilarities between he French and British rule in the Middle East Evidently, both the British and the French tried to rule their own regions through established elites, though the British seemed more willing to move their mandates ahead and towards a better qualified form of independence, and the only exception in this connection is Palestine (‘Iraq: Initial contacts with the British’). In Palestine, for the first time in British history, it had to end its rule without establishing a government behind it. In other words, one can say that the British only wanted protectorates and mandates like Egypt and Palestine as permitted by the League of Nations. So, the British allowed the territories under its rule to have their own domestic political policies though the British continued their military bases and controlled their foreign policies. This is evident in the case of Egypt and Iraq. For example, though the British got support from the Arabs in its campaign ag ainst the Ottomans starting in Basra, the British soon realized the fact that the Arabs would not support them in the long term. Though 1919 saw the British getting the responsibility to administer the area from the League of Nations, soon they found widespread unrest and rebellion, and they realized the fact that the only way to bring the situation under control was to make a puppet government, and the victim selected for the purpose was Hashemite ruler Faysal as it was thought that being a descendant from Prophet Muhammed, he would be accepted by all factions. In addition, as he was not from Iraq, it was thought that he would not feel confident enough to rule without the help of the British. The strategy worked out and there were a number of treaties ensuring proper flow of oil and total control of the regimes affairs. Almost a similar picture one can see in the case of Egypt too. Though the British allowed monarchs to rule Egypt, the period after the construction of Suez Canal (1 859-69) saw the British dethroning Ismail, and it was followed by widespread resentment against the foreign domination. So, the British had to capture the control Egypt again, and thus made a protectorate. Later on,

1.An assessment of the economic impact of the 2012 Olympics on London Essay

1.An assessment of the economic impact of the 2012 Olympics on London - Essay Example As such, examining the economic benefits of the 2012 London Olympics would be critical. It has become critical for nations to evaluate the benefits of Olympic Games at the early bidding stages, referred to as economic impact assessment by Oxford Economics (2012). This enlightens the host city on the economic benefits resulting from hosting these games and subsequently promotes the local context of bringing significant gains to the local economy. Indeed, it would be appreciated that the Olympics 2012 greatly benefited London’s tourism, labour market and retail economy. To understand these economic benefits to London, it would be appropriate to consider the cost of hosting the Games. Every four years a city hosts the Olympics, massive sums of money would be spent on facilities, housing and maintenance and transport infrastructure. According to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, DCMS (2012), the British government had set a budget of  £9.325 billion for hosting the 2012 Olympic Games. Of this,  £5.975 billion was to be sourced from the central government,  £2.175 billion from the national lottery,  £925 million from the Greater London Authority and  £250 million from the London Development Agency. This was much higher than the  £5.906 billion budget at the time of bidding. Core Olympic costs were to consume  £3.081 billion including transport infrastructure, venue, programme management and site security. The other amount was to be shared among tax costs, policing and wider security and contingency among others. Even so, as th e even neared, there were reports of the government running far beyond the budget, King (2012) estimating this at  £2 billion some fifty days to the event. Finally, the government spent between  £14 billion and  £20 billion (Greyser & Kogan 2013), security provisions having escalated the budget significantly. With such massive

Thursday, October 17, 2019

M1A2-Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

M1A2-Communication - Essay Example He knew that the organization must proceed with its work no matter what. The operations of the organization must not be neglected in any conditions. On the other side the way Colleen responded to the situation was because of the influence of her personal life. She had been making plans for her daughter’s pre-school graduation for a week and now she was trapped in an uncertain situation. The situation would have been better if Ricardo and Colleen would have dealt with it more properly. Ricardo should have made Colleen understand the loss that the company could have incurred if she isn’t there to fill the vacant place of her colleague. Colleen must also understand that uncertainties are a part of life and there would come times when she has to choose her professional life over personal life and vice versa. She must try to balance her personal and professional life. She can make an excuse to her family and must ask her husband to take her daughter to her pre-school graduation. She can also compensate for her absence by taking her daughter for dinner any other time (Louie,

Australian capital market Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Australian capital market - Assignment Example This paper will discuss the Australian Capital Market and will also focus on the impact of the global financial crisis on the country. The capital markets have been faced with challenges especially during this period of global financial crisis. The global financial crisis has negatively affected the Australian capital markets and therefore there has been a pressing need for a serious counter action to raise the country to its usual state according to RICS Research (2007). In the last three months, positive change has been recorded in Australia’s money market. More initial public offers by private companies have been noted and indications show that this trend will most likely continue. This has increased the share market performance of the various industries. Indications show that banks are reluctant to provide financing in terms of debt financing. Companies have adapted merger and acquisitions to survive through the recession like Tolhurst Noall which merged with Patersons securities (RICS Research, 2007). This has prevented them from dropping out of the industry. Companies are diverting attention to the ecommerce/digital media companies that’s taking a significant market share from newspapers and magazines. The country has seen a lot of reluctance in debt financing since financial institutions have preferred to fund businesses through equity as opposed to debt. Companies that seek to increase their capital, one viable option has always been to give up a generous portion of their shareholdings. While IPOs were a common way of cashing out investments in the last couple of years, this is no longer the case as many investors have not been able to venture into new businesses due to restrictions on IPO’s according to ResearchWhitePaper (2010). The country has however continued to enjoy a lot in terms of issues. In 2007 for example, Ivanhoe Australia

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

M1A2-Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

M1A2-Communication - Essay Example He knew that the organization must proceed with its work no matter what. The operations of the organization must not be neglected in any conditions. On the other side the way Colleen responded to the situation was because of the influence of her personal life. She had been making plans for her daughter’s pre-school graduation for a week and now she was trapped in an uncertain situation. The situation would have been better if Ricardo and Colleen would have dealt with it more properly. Ricardo should have made Colleen understand the loss that the company could have incurred if she isn’t there to fill the vacant place of her colleague. Colleen must also understand that uncertainties are a part of life and there would come times when she has to choose her professional life over personal life and vice versa. She must try to balance her personal and professional life. She can make an excuse to her family and must ask her husband to take her daughter to her pre-school graduation. She can also compensate for her absence by taking her daughter for dinner any other time (Louie,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What is justice what aspects of our society make it a just society Essay

What is justice what aspects of our society make it a just society what aspect make it unjust - Essay Example Majority of values are described as just after the unequal aspects are eliminated to deliver equality. However, the result is better attained using moral values to differentiate a just society from an unjust setting. Justice in society has been determined from the political system or key decision makers that implement governance policies. Sen (2009) suggest that these policies should be placed to balance the resources among all individuals. An unjust system would favour the dominant group in society with the influence to favour poor decisions. The resources in the just society eliminate vices and adverse conditions like poverty. This is because the policies implemented would create equal opportunities to sustain development (Sen, 2009). Injustice prevails when there is intense prevalence of poverty and tyrannical decision making from the leaders. Slave morality as suggested by Nietzsche exemplifies justice within the society. This is because the theory had been placed to support the weak in society in protest against the unjust dictatorial wealthy class. The oppressed should be accorded equal opportunity to express their desires and opinions within a just system to generate equality in the society. The just society has been termed as the system that favours the prevalence of ideas and opinions of all the members in the society. Each member is regarded highly and their requirements provided by their government system. Moreover, the moral values in equality and fairness prevail in a just

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Zen Buddhist Perspectives on Modern Education Essay -- Educational Bud

Zen Buddhist Perspectives on Modern Education ABSTRACT: Many articles and books on Buddhism have been published in recent years, but publications dealing with Buddhist educational views are rarely available. In this paper, I wish to expound on Zen Buddhist perspectives on modern education. The history of Buddhist education is long and complex. In early centuries (400 BCE- 800 CE), Buddhist monasteries in India and China functioned as educational centers where vinaya, sutras and other subjects were taught. Many men and women were refugees from social injustice and the sangha provided them with education, security and dignity. Spirituality and pedantry were always combined in Buddhist education. But from a Zen perspective, modern education has become an occupational training program to promote financial interest. Capitalism, science and technology have formed a new world view; to wit, occupational training has become more essential to one's way of living than the spiritual quest. Today, most students are concerned with finding fin ancial stability and material gain. Against this trend, Zen education encourages students to seek spiritual stability. Because of Buddha nature, this is a natural human inclination, while not everyone is talented to become a computer specialist or an investment banker. Zen education guides students to grasp the "twist and turn" of the samsaric world, teaching them to be compassionate, understanding, patient listeners and well-balanced individuals. Many articles and books on Buddhism have been published in recent years, but publications dealing with Buddhist educational views are rarely available. In this paper, I wish to expound on Zen Buddhist perspectives on modern education. In the first section... ...nd appreciate ordinary things to fulfill the other missing fifty percent. Learning, then, becomes more complete. Notes (1) Bapat, P. V. 2500 Years in Buddhism. (New Delhi: Government of India, 1956), p. 158. (2) Ibid., p. 162. (3) Ibid., p. 165. (4) Chen, Kenneth. Buddhism in China. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1993), p. 43. (5) Ibid., p. 44. (6) Ibid., p. 83. (7) Lin chi. The Record of Lin Chi. tr. Ruth F. Sasaki. (Kyoto, Japan: The Institute for Zen Studies, 1975), p. 14. (8) Hosaka, Gyokusen. Zen no yotei. [ Secret of Zen] (Tokyo: Kyoiku shincho sha, 1968), p. 57. (9) Ibid. (10) Merton, Thomas. Zen and the Birds of Appetite. (New York: New Directions, 1968), p. 31. (11) Pang yun. The Recorded Sayings of Layman Pang: A Nineth-Century Zen Classic. tr. Ruth F. Sasaki. (New York: Weatherhill, 1971), p. 46. Zen Buddhist Perspectives on Modern Education Essay -- Educational Bud Zen Buddhist Perspectives on Modern Education ABSTRACT: Many articles and books on Buddhism have been published in recent years, but publications dealing with Buddhist educational views are rarely available. In this paper, I wish to expound on Zen Buddhist perspectives on modern education. The history of Buddhist education is long and complex. In early centuries (400 BCE- 800 CE), Buddhist monasteries in India and China functioned as educational centers where vinaya, sutras and other subjects were taught. Many men and women were refugees from social injustice and the sangha provided them with education, security and dignity. Spirituality and pedantry were always combined in Buddhist education. But from a Zen perspective, modern education has become an occupational training program to promote financial interest. Capitalism, science and technology have formed a new world view; to wit, occupational training has become more essential to one's way of living than the spiritual quest. Today, most students are concerned with finding fin ancial stability and material gain. Against this trend, Zen education encourages students to seek spiritual stability. Because of Buddha nature, this is a natural human inclination, while not everyone is talented to become a computer specialist or an investment banker. Zen education guides students to grasp the "twist and turn" of the samsaric world, teaching them to be compassionate, understanding, patient listeners and well-balanced individuals. Many articles and books on Buddhism have been published in recent years, but publications dealing with Buddhist educational views are rarely available. In this paper, I wish to expound on Zen Buddhist perspectives on modern education. In the first section... ...nd appreciate ordinary things to fulfill the other missing fifty percent. Learning, then, becomes more complete. Notes (1) Bapat, P. V. 2500 Years in Buddhism. (New Delhi: Government of India, 1956), p. 158. (2) Ibid., p. 162. (3) Ibid., p. 165. (4) Chen, Kenneth. Buddhism in China. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1993), p. 43. (5) Ibid., p. 44. (6) Ibid., p. 83. (7) Lin chi. The Record of Lin Chi. tr. Ruth F. Sasaki. (Kyoto, Japan: The Institute for Zen Studies, 1975), p. 14. (8) Hosaka, Gyokusen. Zen no yotei. [ Secret of Zen] (Tokyo: Kyoiku shincho sha, 1968), p. 57. (9) Ibid. (10) Merton, Thomas. Zen and the Birds of Appetite. (New York: New Directions, 1968), p. 31. (11) Pang yun. The Recorded Sayings of Layman Pang: A Nineth-Century Zen Classic. tr. Ruth F. Sasaki. (New York: Weatherhill, 1971), p. 46.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Religious Beliefs :: Religion History Essays Papers

Religious Beliefs Today's religious beliefs, governmental structures, laws and traditions of social behavior find their roots in the development of three main belief systems - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Although other religious movements have developed throughout the years, these three belief systems have had the most impact on civilizations of the West. To better understand this impact, it is important to trace the development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and review the relationships between them. While each belief system is unique, there are many similarities due to their common beginnings. The philosophies and traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam most prominently begin with the founder of the Hebrews known as Abraham ca 1800 BCE Historically, these teachings were also subscribed by nomadic tribes, which settled in present day Palestine, near Mt. Sinai. The people of these tribes did not label themselves as Hebrews, and referred to God as the god of Abraham. This came about as God promised Abraham a son, and in the course of the events doubting that is old wife could give him a son, he had Ishmael with his maid, Hagar, and then later God's prophecy would be fulfilled with the birth of Isaac, by his wife Sarha. Due to their belief system, the tribe proliferated the idea that Isaac and his descendants were chosen by God to carry forward Abraham's holy lineage. Isaac was the forefather of what was to become the 12 tribes of Israel, while Ishmael and his descendents were to constitute a different Semitic tribe and follow Arabic traditions. The term Judaism came about after the establishment of the state of Israel when the tribes divided into two, the northern and Judas kingdoms, ca 922-587 BCE The customs and belief systems of these nomadic tribes to be later identified as Arab tribes were very similar to the Hebrews'; however, the Arab tribes developed in some subtle ways. They remained nomadic, whereas the Hebrews tended to follow the teachings of the Holy Scriptures to the achievement of The Promised Land. As for the Arab nomadic tribes because of this development, a centralized governing agent who organized the religion did not develop as it did with the Hebrews. In approximately ca 1290-1250 BCE, Moses further supplemented both traditions with a covenant between God and his believers. Moses married Zipphora, from a different Semitic tribe, (Ishmael descendants?) as they referred to God as the God of Abrahim; this would indicate the strong similarity of beliefs and customs between the Hebrew and Arab tribes at that time.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Fault in Our Stars

Our lives are a set of building blocks, and we always yearn to be perceived as skyscrapers. But not everyone has this capability. People have faults, and sadly, it can get to the point where those wrecking balls intervene. And the thing that was once a set of building blocks is no more. Some people have it harder than others. People live with cancer, deadly diseases that could ruin their lives. The Fault in Our Stars is a story mainly about the life of a girl named Hazel who falls in love with a person named Augustus.The problem is, that her and two other main characters in the story, Augustus and Isaac, have to live their lives battling cancer, which literally controls their â€Å"ordinary† lives. It is about the struggle (faults) that comes with dealing with cancer, and how they try to overcome these obstacles. Sometimes they succeed, and sometimes they do not. John Green titled his novel The Fault In Our Stars because the stars are the building blocks (a persons life), and the fault in those stars is what is keeping those building blocks from becoming skyscrapers, the wreaking ball (cancer).There are many significant themes throughout the novel that correlate to the title. The struggles in life with cancer, how love triumphs through hardship, and coping with the death of a loved one. These themes not only relate to the title but they also exemplify what this story is really about. Sets of building blocks that are slowly broken down, to the point where they are destroyed completely buy the wrecking ball, both literally and mentally. Cancer is something that it very hard to live with, and it generates numerous setbacks in life.The three main characters in this story, Hazel, Augustus, and Isaac live their lives battling cancer. They meet different obstacles every day, and the struggle is dealing with those obstacles. Hazel struggles with lung cancer, and every day she walks around with oxygen tank to help her lungs function. One time her cancer took a da ngerous toll when she woke up in the middle of the night at about four in the morning with an apocalyptic pain in the center of her brain. She woke her parents and was taken to the ICU. Hazel was knocked out, and they did save her.When she woke up in the morning her parents explained everything that had happened to her. â€Å"Mom and Dad told me that I did not have a brain tumor, but that my headache was caused by poor oxygenation, which was caused by my lungs swimming in fluid, a liter and a half(!!!! ) of which had been successfully drained from my chest, which was why I might feel a slight discomfort in my side, where there was, hey look at that, a tube that went from my chest into a plastic bladder half full of liquid that for all the world resembled my Dad’s favorite amber ale.My mom told me that I was going home, that I really was, and that I would have to get this drained every now and again and get back on the BiPAP, this nighttime machine that forces air in and out of my lungs. †(107) Hazel’s overexertion was very hard on her and the rest of her family. Now she has to get her lungs drained every once in a while and she is also on BiPAP. In my opinion this was more than just a struggle, this was a nightmare. A nightmare pioneered straight from her cancer, and it is just horrible. Augustus had lived a very rigid life with cancer.At the time that he met Hazel, he was cancer free with an amputated leg. When Augustus and Hazel went to the airport to go on their trip to Amsterdam, Augustus took very long to get to the plane when he said that he was going to go get food and come back. He told Hazel and her mom that the line at McDonald’s was really long but the truth came out when he was sitting on the plane next to Hazel. â€Å"Listen, sorry I avoided the gate area. The McDonald’s line wasn’t really that long; I just†¦. I just didn’t want to sit there with all those people looking at us or whatever.â₠¬  (145, 146)Here Augustus’s struggle with cancer is the looks that people would give him, looks that were just too hard to fathom. He didn’t want to get those looks. It bothered him. Augustus did not like people looking at him like there was something wrong with him. It was just mortifying. Isaac was Augustus’s friend that introduced him to Hazel. Isaac and Hazel went to support group together. Isaac suffered from eye cancer, and he was going to get a surgery that would eradicate himself of his cancer. The problem was that this surgery would steal his sight.This was a huge obstacle that cancer has set for him and he has to cope with the struggle of loosing his sight. But something even worse happened to Isaac when he told his girlfriend about the news (that he was going to be blind). His girlfriend stopped seeing him and it broke Isaacs heart. She was his true love and they said they would always be together, but she could not take it anymore. â€Å"She said she can’t handle it. I’m about to lose my eyesight and she can’t handle it. † (60) The reason his sight was going to be disdained was to loose his cancer.Meaning that the cancer was the cause of him loosing his sight, initiating the lose of his true love. This was Isaac’s huge struggle in life with cancer. Loosing the love of his life. The theme of struggles in life with cancer relates to the title because these struggles from cancer are the faults (struggles) that are in the stars, what is keeping the building blocks from becoming skyscrapers, which is initiated by the wrecking ball (cancer). Cancer is a deadly disease that constructs many problems in life.According to the love that was shared between Hazel and Augustus, no problem or â€Å"fault† would ever desist the love that these two had for each other. Augustus showed hazel that there is more to life than staying home and letting cancer consume you. It did not take long for them to fal l in love. Together they were unbeatable and they would never let anything bring them down. They both went through rigorous paths, but together, their loved steered themselves out of that hardship, and to safety. When Hazel was taken to the hospital because of her overexertion the nurse informed her about Augustus.â€Å"You’re not going to ask about your boyfriend? † she asked. â€Å"Don’t have one,† I told her. â€Å"Well there’s a kid who has hardly left the waiting room since you got here,† she said. â€Å"He hasn’t seen me like this, has he? † â€Å"No Family only. †(108) Even though it was very hard to see Hazel in that faze of discomfort, Augustus went because he loved her. He did not let hardship terminate his love for hazel. He would not let anything stop him from seeing her. When Augustus Osteosarcoma returned, he went to buy a pack of cigarettes in the middle of the night, and something went wrong with his G-tu be. He told Hazel to come and help him fix it.She took off her BiPAP, attached herself to an oxygen tank and went to help him before it was too late. When she saw him Augustus was in the drivers seat of his car covered in his own vomit. â€Å"Oh, G-d, Augustus, we have to get you to a hospital. † I gagged from the smell but bent forward to inspect the place above his belly button where they’d surgically installed the tube. The skin of his abdomen was warm and bright red. â€Å"Gus, I love you. † (244-245). Hazel loved Augustus so much that she took off her BiPAP, and left by herself with her oxygen tank to help Augustus in his urgent time of need.She did not let this â€Å"fault† bring down her spirits and she did what ever she could to keep him alive. She saved his life and if she did not go there to help him (and call 911) Augustus would not have made it. Their love triumphs through hardship, that is how powerful their love is. This theme relates to the title because the love is what keeps those stars or building blocks (peoples lives) up and running and they wont let the fault (hardship) get in the way of the love. Love isn’t something that can be wished upon, you have to have that click.The click between Hazel and Augustus was so strong that they would not let anything get into the way. At the end of the book Hazel is forced to cope with the death of her one and only soul mate, Augustus. Hazel was devastated. She loved him so much. At his funeral, she went up to Augustus’s coffin to say her last good bye. â€Å"I love you present tense,† I whispered, and then put my hand on the middle of his chest and said, â€Å"It’s okay, Gus. It’s okay. It is. It’s okay, you hear me? † I had-and have-absolutely no confidence that he could here me. I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. â€Å"Okay,† I said. â€Å"Okay.† (270)Hazel has been trying very hard not to let it get to her (the pain), and she does not want Augustus to be mad that he died on her. That is why Hazel says its okay, to apprise Augustus and make herself know that she can live through this. The theme of coping with the death of a loved one relates to the title of this novel because coping with the death of a loved one is another fault (struggle) that was in the stars that was initiated from death by cancer. Osteosarcoma was the wreaking ball that destroyed Augustus’s building blocks and Augustus’s passing was the wreaking ball that injured Hazel’s building blocks.There are many obstacles in life, and we always try to overcome them. Some people have it harder than others. Some people are forced to live their lives battling cancer. That is what The Fault in Our Stars is all about, the burden of living life as a different person with new problems everyday. Some days will be better than others, and some days will be worse. It’s a never-ending roller coaster. Su re there will be times where it slows down and rides along a straight path but there will always be those times where it goes fast and gets bumpy. People live today overcoming these endeavors.There are many themes in the novel that correspond with the title. The struggles in life with cancer, how love triumphs through hardship, and coping with the death of a loved one. These themes not only correlate to the title but they also portray the main idea of the story. Our lives are a set of building blocks and if we don’t learn how to eventually take and overcome the blows from the wrecking ball, we will never have that chance that all of us have always longed for (even for people who are not battling cancer), to not only become a skyscraper but to be commended as one. The Fault in Our Stars Our lives are a set of building blocks, and we always yearn to be perceived as skyscrapers. But not everyone has this capability. People have faults, and sadly, it can get to the point where those wrecking balls intervene. And the thing that was once a set of building blocks is no more. Some people have it harder than others. People live with cancer, deadly diseases that could ruin their lives. The Fault in Our Stars is a story mainly about the life of a girl named Hazel who falls in love with a person named Augustus.The problem is, that her and two other main characters in the story, Augustus and Isaac, have to live their lives battling cancer, which literally controls their â€Å"ordinary† lives. It is about the struggle (faults) that comes with dealing with cancer, and how they try to overcome these obstacles. Sometimes they succeed, and sometimes they do not. John Green titled his novel The Fault In Our Stars because the stars are the building blocks (a persons life), and the fault in those stars is what is keeping those building blocks from becoming skyscrapers, the wreaking ball (cancer).There are many significant themes throughout the novel that correlate to the title. The struggles in life with cancer, how love triumphs through hardship, and coping with the death of a loved one. These themes not only relate to the title but they also exemplify what this story is really about. Sets of building blocks that are slowly broken down, to the point where they are destroyed completely buy the wrecking ball, both literally and mentally. Cancer is something that it very hard to live with, and it generates numerous setbacks in life.The three main characters in this story, Hazel, Augustus, and Isaac live their lives battling cancer. They meet different obstacles every day, and the struggle is dealing with those obstacles. Hazel struggles with lung cancer, and every day she walks around with oxygen tank to help her lungs function. One time her cancer took a da ngerous toll when she woke up in the middle of the night at about four in the morning with an apocalyptic pain in the center of her brain. She woke her parents and was taken to the ICU. Hazel was knocked out, and they did save her.When she woke up in the morning her parents explained everything that had happened to her. â€Å"Mom and Dad told me that I did not have a brain tumor, but that my headache was caused by poor oxygenation, which was caused by my lungs swimming in fluid, a liter and a half(!!!! ) of which had been successfully drained from my chest, which was why I might feel a slight discomfort in my side, where there was, hey look at that, a tube that went from my chest into a plastic bladder half full of liquid that for all the world resembled my Dad’s favorite amber ale.My mom told me that I was going home, that I really was, and that I would have to get this drained every now and again and get back on the BiPAP, this nighttime machine that forces air in and out of my lungs. †(107) Hazel’s overexertion was very hard on her and the rest of her family. Now she has to get her lungs drained every once in a while and she is also on BiPAP. In my opinion this was more than just a struggle, this was a nightmare. A nightmare pioneered straight from her cancer, and it is just horrible. Augustus had lived a very rigid life with cancer.At the time that he met Hazel, he was cancer free with an amputated leg. When Augustus and Hazel went to the airport to go on their trip to Amsterdam, Augustus took very long to get to the plane when he said that he was going to go get food and come back. He told Hazel and her mom that the line at McDonald’s was really long but the truth came out when he was sitting on the plane next to Hazel. â€Å"Listen, sorry I avoided the gate area. The McDonald’s line wasn’t really that long; I just†¦. I just didn’t want to sit there with all those people looking at us or whatever.â₠¬  (145, 146)Here Augustus’s struggle with cancer is the looks that people would give him, looks that were just too hard to fathom. He didn’t want to get those looks. It bothered him. Augustus did not like people looking at him like there was something wrong with him. It was just mortifying. Isaac was Augustus’s friend that introduced him to Hazel. Isaac and Hazel went to support group together. Isaac suffered from eye cancer, and he was going to get a surgery that would eradicate himself of his cancer. The problem was that this surgery would steal his sight.This was a huge obstacle that cancer has set for him and he has to cope with the struggle of loosing his sight. But something even worse happened to Isaac when he told his girlfriend about the news (that he was going to be blind). His girlfriend stopped seeing him and it broke Isaacs heart. She was his true love and they said they would always be together, but she could not take it anymore. â€Å"She said she can’t handle it. I’m about to lose my eyesight and she can’t handle it. † (60) The reason his sight was going to be disdained was to loose his cancer.Meaning that the cancer was the cause of him loosing his sight, initiating the lose of his true love. This was Isaac’s huge struggle in life with cancer. Loosing the love of his life. The theme of struggles in life with cancer relates to the title because these struggles from cancer are the faults (struggles) that are in the stars, what is keeping the building blocks from becoming skyscrapers, which is initiated by the wrecking ball (cancer). Cancer is a deadly disease that constructs many problems in life.According to the love that was shared between Hazel and Augustus, no problem or â€Å"fault† would ever desist the love that these two had for each other. Augustus showed hazel that there is more to life than staying home and letting cancer consume you. It did not take long for them to fal l in love. Together they were unbeatable and they would never let anything bring them down. They both went through rigorous paths, but together, their loved steered themselves out of that hardship, and to safety. When Hazel was taken to the hospital because of her overexertion the nurse informed her about Augustus.â€Å"You’re not going to ask about your boyfriend? † she asked. â€Å"Don’t have one,† I told her. â€Å"Well there’s a kid who has hardly left the waiting room since you got here,† she said. â€Å"He hasn’t seen me like this, has he? † â€Å"No Family only. †(108) Even though it was very hard to see Hazel in that faze of discomfort, Augustus went because he loved her. He did not let hardship terminate his love for hazel. He would not let anything stop him from seeing her. When Augustus Osteosarcoma returned, he went to buy a pack of cigarettes in the middle of the night, and something went wrong with his G-tu be. He told Hazel to come and help him fix it.She took off her BiPAP, attached herself to an oxygen tank and went to help him before it was too late. When she saw him Augustus was in the drivers seat of his car covered in his own vomit. â€Å"Oh, G-d, Augustus, we have to get you to a hospital. † I gagged from the smell but bent forward to inspect the place above his belly button where they’d surgically installed the tube. The skin of his abdomen was warm and bright red. â€Å"Gus, I love you. † (244-245). Hazel loved Augustus so much that she took off her BiPAP, and left by herself with her oxygen tank to help Augustus in his urgent time of need.She did not let this â€Å"fault† bring down her spirits and she did what ever she could to keep him alive. She saved his life and if she did not go there to help him (and call 911) Augustus would not have made it. Their love triumphs through hardship, that is how powerful their love is. This theme relates to the title because the love is what keeps those stars or building blocks (peoples lives) up and running and they wont let the fault (hardship) get in the way of the love. Love isn’t something that can be wished upon, you have to have that click.The click between Hazel and Augustus was so strong that they would not let anything get into the way. At the end of the book Hazel is forced to cope with the death of her one and only soul mate, Augustus. Hazel was devastated. She loved him so much. At his funeral, she went up to Augustus’s coffin to say her last good bye. â€Å"I love you present tense,† I whispered, and then put my hand on the middle of his chest and said, â€Å"It’s okay, Gus. It’s okay. It is. It’s okay, you hear me? † I had-and have-absolutely no confidence that he could here me. I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. â€Å"Okay,† I said. â€Å"Okay.† (270)Hazel has been trying very hard not to let it get to her (the pain), and she does not want Augustus to be mad that he died on her. That is why Hazel says its okay, to apprise Augustus and make herself know that she can live through this. The theme of coping with the death of a loved one relates to the title of this novel because coping with the death of a loved one is another fault (struggle) that was in the stars that was initiated from death by cancer. Osteosarcoma was the wreaking ball that destroyed Augustus’s building blocks and Augustus’s passing was the wreaking ball that injured Hazel’s building blocks.There are many obstacles in life, and we always try to overcome them. Some people have it harder than others. Some people are forced to live their lives battling cancer. That is what The Fault in Our Stars is all about, the burden of living life as a different person with new problems everyday. Some days will be better than others, and some days will be worse. It’s a never-ending roller coaster. Su re there will be times where it slows down and rides along a straight path but there will always be those times where it goes fast and gets bumpy. People live today overcoming these endeavors.There are many themes in the novel that correspond with the title. The struggles in life with cancer, how love triumphs through hardship, and coping with the death of a loved one. These themes not only correlate to the title but they also portray the main idea of the story. Our lives are a set of building blocks and if we don’t learn how to eventually take and overcome the blows from the wrecking ball, we will never have that chance that all of us have always longed for (even for people who are not battling cancer), to not only become a skyscraper but to be commended as one.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Philosophy of My Life

Christian tradition has generally passed down that all but one were martyred, with John surviving into old age. Only the death of James, son of Zebedee is described in the New Testament, and the details of the other deaths are the subject of pious legends of varying authenticity. In some cases there is near unanimity in the tradition, and in other cases, there are widely varying and inconsistent accounts. Judas Iscariot, originally one of the Twelve, died during Jesus' trial. Matthew 27:5 says that he hanged himself, and Acts 1:18 says that he fell, burst open, and his â€Å"bowels gushed out. † Matthias was elected to take his place as one of the Twelve. According to Christian tradition: Original Twelve picked by Jesus: Peter, crucified upside-down in Rome c. AD 64. James, son of Zebedee was beheaded in AD 44, first of the Twelve to die (since the addition of Matthias) John, son of Zebedee, no biblical record of death, he is believed to have died of natural causes due to old age. Members of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that John was immortalized and he will live to see the Second Coming of Christ. [21][22] Andrew, Peter's brother, was crucified upon a diagonal or X-shaped cross. Philip was crucified in AD 54. Bartholomew (also known as Nathaniel) was flayed alive (skinned) and then beheaded; some sources locate his death at Derbend on the Caspian Sea. [23] Matthew killed by an axe in AD 60. Thomas was killed by a spear in Mylapore, Madras, India in AD 72. James, son of Alphaeus, stoned at age 90 then clubbed to death. Jude was clubbed to death then beheaded Simon the Zealot was sawn in half in AD 74. Judas Iscariot, according to Matthew, hanged himself after betraying Jesus. In Acts, he is described as falling in a field and bursting open. Apologists explain this apparent discrepancy by presuming that he decayed on the tree resulting in a bloating with gas and a weakening of the skin. Then when he was let down from the tree he burst open upon impact. A third account by Papias records Judas â€Å"walking the world†, his body having become swollen before being crushed by a chariot. † â€Å"[24] Replacement for Judas Iscariot picked by the surviving eleven: Matthias, Judas' replacement, was stoned and beheaded. Tombs of the apostles Out of the eleven apostles excluding Judas Iscariot, the burial sites of only seven have been identified by Christian tradition. The St. Peter's Basilica Vatican, Rome, Italy which was built on the burial site of Peter the Apostle. Basilica of St. Andrew at Patras, Achaea, Greece where the relics of Andrew the Apostle are kept, said to be erected over the place of his martyrdom. Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, Galicia, A Coruna, Spain which houses the tomb of St. James son of Zebedee. The tomb of John the Apostle at Ephesus, near Selcuk, Turkey. The Santhome Basilica, Mylapore, Chennai, India, which houses the tomb of Thomas the Apostle. St. Philip Martyrium, Hierapolis, near Denizli, Tur key. It is said that St. Philip is buried in the center of the building, but his grave has not been discovered. On Wednesday, 27 July 2011 the Turkish news agency Anadolu reported that archeologists had unearthed the Tomb of Saint Philip during excavations in the Turkish city of Hierapolis. The Italian professor Francesco D'Andria stated that scientists had discovered the tomb, within a newly revealed church. He stated that the design of the Tomb, and writings on its walls, definitively prove it belonged to the martyred Apostle of Jesus. St. Bartholomew Monastery near Baskale, Turkey. The Monastery was built on the traditional site of the martyrdom of Bartholomew the Apostle.

The Life of a Slave in the 1800’s

The Life of a Slave in the 1800’s Life as a slave was very difficult. As many as 4. 5 million slaves were working in Southern plantations in the early to mid-1800’s. There were two types of slaves; field slaves and house slaves. People think that being a house slave was easier but this proves that theory wrong. Slaves had terrible environments, were separated from family and friends, and were sometimes beaten to death. Whites knew that slavery was wrong and immoral. Though, it still continued.Being a field slave was not at all easy. A field slave worked from sunrise to sunset, but during harvest, they worked an eighteen-hour day. A field worker was out in the field when the first sign of light shone until it was too dark to see. Women field workers worked the same hours as men. Pregnant women were expected to work until the child was born, and after the child's birth the woman worked in the field with the child on her back. Field workers lived in tiny huts with dirt for a floor.These small huts gave absolutely no protection against the cold winter winds. Slaves slept on rough blankets inside the hut. After a day on a cotton plantation the slaves got in a line to have their cotton weighed and receive their daily food. The minimum amount of cotton to be picked in one day was 200 pounds. At about the age of twelve a child's work became almost the same as an adult's. The field slaves were watched all day long by a white person with a whip. If they did not work up to the expectations, they were beaten and sometimes killed.A benefit of a field slave, however, was that slaves got Sundays off and maybe parts of Saturday unless it was during harvest. Most house slaves were living under better conditions than field workers. However, house slaves did not get Sunday off and usually attended church with their owners. House slaves cleaned, cooked, served meals, and took care of the children. Some house slaves lived in attics, closets, or corners in the big hous e even if their families lived in the quarters. A cook's day was long and hard.A cook got up early in the morning to cook breakfast, and the day ended with cleaning up after dinner and gathering firewood for the next day. These slaves sometimes stole food from the owner. A house slave had a better opportunity to learn how to read and write. They often listened in on their owner's conversations so they were able to warn field slaves of the owner auctioning certain slaves and other important things. House slaves did many other things like waited on tables, washed, roned, took up and put down carpets, swept floors, dusted furniture, hoed and weeded gardens, and collected the chicken eggs. They also took care of the infants allowing the owner to do whatever they wanted. Although house slaves had more privileges, being a house slave was not much, if any easier than being a field worker. At the time, slaves were separated from their families and auctioned off to white families so that the y could work as servants whether it was in the fields picking cotton and tobacco or working inside doing all of the house chores and practically raising the children.Slaves were most likely to have been in a family where they were beaten horrendously if they did not meet the expectations that the white folks had for them. Back then, society looked at slaves like they weren’t fully human and shouldn’t be treated as one. Like anyone else would say, it is very safe to say that having a life of a slave in the 1800’s was not easy. WORKS CITED: http://library. thinkquest. org/CR0215086/dailylife. htm

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

History and Political Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

History and Political Science - Essay Example However, with independence and exacerbated peace missions across warring countries, this has changed over time. Many states around the world are independent and sovereign. China and Germany for example were ruined after the Second World War, but have emerged as leading world powers today, right from the post-war period. Security measures, trade and financial systems are essential factors that are promoting global relations today, enhancing the persistent globalization process. Modernization and contemporary trends in cultural, social, economic and political aspects define globalization today. Globalization is a process that has been going on for quite a long time now. It is this process that has resulted in global power shifts between states. The start of globalization is a historical phenomenon. It is dated decades of years ago, when states began to unite against others. Different states were objective about accumulating significant authority and power against others. The idea was t o dominate weaker states by strong states. In this regard, it was necessary that states unite to concentrate their powers and authority. On the same note, other objectives were realized in the process, characterized by global powers that keep shifting from time to time. Globalization is a diverse concept that is defined by numerous concepts, each of which is unique from one state to another. Converging cultural, social, economic and political practices are central to globalization in the modern times. It is highly characterized by interconnectedness of modes and means of communication that make it easy for the entire world to keep in touch. Populations in many states today have both locals and foreigners. The slave trade and migration of persons from one state to another marked the start of contemporary globalization. The moving out of business enterprises from their locales to international locations further exacerbated globalization and state relationships. The start of globalizat ion is basically seen from its definition. Globalization in the global power between states context is defined as an expanded economic integration, characterized by interdependence of states through international free trade, market economies, investments and capital flows (Raymond, Barbara and Bob, p.121-122). This process started as soon as world states began to realize their rights and freedoms at a time when weaker states were dominated by string states. The fading away of colonialism, slave trade and war between states marked the start of globalization. This was also the start of the realization of global power between states. Global politics have from then become diversely distributed, with globalization acting as the shaping power of the said distribution. The influence of global commerce has significantly led to the realized trends in global power between states. Multinational corporations and Bretton Woods institutions have further accelerated the influence of globalization on global powers and authorities. This has been aided by ease in international communication and transport, collaboration between states and technological advancements from time to time. (Raymond, Barbara and Bob, p.122) says, â€Å"global commerce linked with the spread of global fibre-optic networks, digitization, satellite communications, the world wide web and computer technology have impacted state-to-state power relations dramatically.† The effects of globalization

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

European Union Law - Institutional Balance Essay

European Union Law - Institutional Balance - Essay Example Initially, the crusade was focused on centralizing the coal and steel industries of Europe for better control and protection. It was thus evident at the start that the reason for the amalgamation was economics which explains why the group was earlier created as the European Economic Community.1 Since the interrelations and interactions among the members of the community were embodied in treaties or equivalent covenants, there was a need for an adjudicatory body to ensure that the provisions and terms of those agreements between and among independent territories or jurisdictions were religiously kept and to see to it that the institutions and agencies under the Union formulate and execute acts and deeds which are legally in pursuance of those treaties and covenants. This led to the establishment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the year 1952. The tribunal is now one of the seven pillars of the European Union and its judicial authority cooperating with the courts of the member states.2 The coordination includes matters of interpretation of the relevant laws and rules. The most important sources of law are legislation and jurisprudence, also called case law or common law. In the case of the European Union, it key institutions have legislative powers. ... even without these law-making bodies, there are already several treaties between and among member states which have been in force and effect and which necessarily become components of European Union Law. Most of these legal agreements are now incorporated in the European Union Consolidated Versions of the Treaty on European Union and of the Treaty Establish the European Community. The European Council Treaty and Protocols which was amended by the Treaties: Merger Treaty, the several Acts of Accession, the Budgetary Treaties and others also form part of the European Union Law. Secondary legislations in the nature of regulations, directives and decisions issued and adopted by the European Council, as well as international agreements for and in behalf of the Union, are also included in the whole legal framework. It is worth to note that the European Council, known today as the Council of the European Union, is composed of the representatives of the Member States who hold ministerial lev el positions. While there is only one Council, it is not a fixed institution and its designation and membership depend on the subject matter then at hand. Hence, if the issue then prevailing is about agriculture, the respective agriculture ministers will be the participants and the body will then be called the Agricultural Council.3 There can therefore also be a Council of Foreign Affairs, or of Finance, or of Home Affairs, etc. It is likewise important to observe that institutional balance is of fundamental significance in the political sphere of the European Union. No less than the key institutions of the union zealously advocate this kind of neutralization in order to conserve and maintain order, working harmony and decorum among all the branches and instrumentalities of the

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Our company is considering entering the manufacturing market for snow Research Paper

Our company is considering entering the manufacturing market for snow skis. You have been asked to examine all material(s) that - Research Paper Example A number of companies mainly in United States and Europe are currently producing Snow skis. Throughout the history, various materials have been used in making of skis and advancement continues to be seen. Skis manufacturing have a long history. Based on archeological studies, a wooden ski was first identified in at Lake Sindor in Russia, the skiing equipment was dated to have been in use between 6300 and 5000 BC.(Burov 393). This is the earliest evidence involving the use of skis. Apart from artifacts of skis, many historical drawings and paintings have shown skiing activities where individuals use the skis. Ski construction started becoming dominant in the end of nineteenth century especially in Austria and Switzerland (Classic skis 1). The architecture of these early alpine skis was simple but they were wide and short. These characteristics enabled the skis to have high agility, hence capable of the ability to penetrate areas with deep snow and elevated areas. Since these early tim es, the designs, shape and the materials used in making skis has continued to diversify. Different types of wood have been used in the construction of the skis, varying from wood, plastics, metals or a blend of the three. The main materials in making of skis have been wood for the better part of the twentieth century. Different wooden materials have been in use depending on the place where the skis are located. Today some companies have retained the use of wood but the technology seems not attract many of the skiers. The initial wooden skis were curved using hands, to make simple skis (Wooden skis 1). In the modern setup, this design has completely changed with the adoption of a torsion box architecture that is more sophisticated and requires additional materials to make. Because of the water-properties of wood, other materials have taken its place. This has created limited use of wood in the modern context. Skis are simple skiing equipment but they are made up several parts. It is important that a ski buyer is familiar with it in order to get the best ski for the desired skiing. The base is the part of a ski that has direct contact with or faces the ground surface. Most of the skis’ bases in the modern times are made of aluminum or fiberglass. The camber is space that is evident at below the centre of the ski. Contact points are the positions of attachment between the ski and the snow without the rider imparting pressure on it. The waist is the part of the ski that is narrowest, usually appearing at the centre of the side cut. Other parts of the ski include the top or otherwise called the deck where the bindings are placed. It also has the effective edge, the tip, the shovel, and the side cut (ABC of Skiing 1). Various categories of the modern day skis are manufactured depending on the material used. The classic wooden skis are curved using hands; they are long and have thin sides, an aberration from the original design. In addition, they have a rectan gular shape but have a curve in one of the ends. Another form of skis was advanced to use steel, these are the so-called edges, and their architecture varies because of the screwed steel at its bottom. Wood and metal laminates have also been developed, the wooden laminate involves pieces of wood that are glued together, and these are flexible, stiff and are lighter. Metal laminates were initially made of aluminum but proved inefficient; they had to blend aluminum with wood. Advancing with the technology the