Saturday, June 1, 2019

Personal Writing: The Day Of Surprise :: essays research papers

Personal Writing The Day of SurpriseThats so cool I exclaimed. In my happen was a Valentines Day cardwhich folded to make a spaceship. I was in a H alonemark card shop with my father,looking at cards for the forthcoming holiday.If I got you that card now, then it wouldnt be a surprise later, myfather logically stated.But its neat See, it folds into a spaceship.Ill get it for you but... just act affect for your mother when youopen the card.Okay dad, I answered as we walked up to the counter. My father paidfor the card and we left the store.It was a week before Valentines Day in 1987. I was nine years old andintensely anxious. Expectation for February 14 had overcome every other thoughtI previously had. It might reckon funny to some that I held that one day withsuch great esteem, but to me it was unlike any other holiday. On Valentines DayI matte up loved by everyone. On that day, I would obtain the card that I hadpicked out from my father. Classmates would give everyone Valentin e cards. Someextremely generous kids would even attach sugarcoat to the cards. It didnt matterif you hated each other, on Valentines Day everyone put aside their differencesand even presented cards to the children nobody liked. That one day of loveseemed to unify the score of foes through love and forgiveness. I could hardlywait for that day to come.As the night before Valentines Day had rolled around, anticipation hadescalated to an all time peak. Nevertheless, it was all set aside as my parentsonce again started to fight. My brother and I were sent to the car in the garageso that we would not witness them fighting. We knew the routine. I was scaredand I could still hear angry voices dueling back and forth. My brother was asenior in high school and even he seemed affright when they fought. Althoughhe tried to hide his fear, I knew he was afraid when my father would go on arampage. An hour passed by and my brother and I stubborn to go back inside.The house was still. A pin could have dropped and we would of heard it.My father had gone to lay down in his bed. This action was suggested by the wedding party counselor that my parents had been visiting. Whenever my father gotangry, he was supposed to rest until he calmed down. The problem was that he

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